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Family and Consumer Sciences 8th grade Teen Connections.

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1 Family and Consumer Sciences 8th grade Teen Connections

2 Course Descriptions Teen Connections is a semester-long class for 8 th grade students. Topics focus on teen connections in the home, school, and community. Course content provides opportunities for students to explore skills needed for workplace success. Career Preparedness A is a semester-long class for 8 th grade students. This course focuses on academic planning, career development, financial literacy, and technology. Upon successful completion of the course, students will receive 0.5 high school credits.

3 TC Course Goals 1. Describe how physical, social, emotional, & intellectual changes that occur during adolescence affect self-esteem and self-concept. 2. Analyze interpersonal skills needed by teenagers for success in the home, school, and community, including respecting self & others, resolving conflict, responding to peer pressure, and communicating with others. 3. Explain the impact of values, goals, and decision making on teenagers. 4. Demonstrate socially acceptable behavior of teenagers, including practicing manners, etiquette, and grooming habits. 5. Identify various family structures.

4 TC Course Goals 6. Describe the importance of teen development of time management skills. 7. Evaluate the relationship among nutrition, exercise, and rest in maintaining wellness. 8. Demonstrate the ability to select, store, prepare, and serve nutritious foods. 9. Explain the importance of money management for teens. 10. Critique factors that influence individual and teen consumer decisions, including needs and wants, budget limitations, and quality of products.

5 TC Course Goals 11. Describe strategies for comparison shopping among teens. 12. Describe influences of style, fads, and fashion trends in clothing selection of teenagers. 13. Demonstrate basic sewing construction skills to complete a project. 14. Explain ways to maintain and care for clothing. 15. Compare stages of child development.

6 TC Course Goals 16. Explain ways to handle emergencies, including first aid techniques for children. 17. Demonstrate methods to maintain a clean home. 18. Demonstrate strategies used for the selection and arrangement of furniture and accessories in a teenager’s living space. 19. Describe the impact of technology on individuals and families. 20. Describe career skills needed for the workplace, including time management and teamwork.

7 Course Outline 1.Personal Connections 2.Food and Wellness Connections 3.Consumer Connections 4.Clothing Connections 5.Child Care Connections 6.Housing Connections 7.Technology and Career Connections

8 Grading Scale: Retaking Test: Student grade must be less than 70 Student must come before school Student will earn the higher score of the two Student will not earn higher than an 80 Student has one week to retake Prerequisites: None Textbooks: Discovering Life Skills Career Choices 90-100%A 80-89%B 70-79%C 60-69%D <59%F

9 Contact Information TMS office: 205-685-8150 E-mail: Blog:

10 Class Rules 1.Be prepared 2.Be prompt: lined up against the wall and quiet when the tardy bell rings. 3.Be Respectful: 1.When in the kitchen treat it as you would your kitchen at home. Don’t comb your hair; don’t eat food that belongs to someone else, use equipment appropriately, etc… 2.Listen the first time. 3.Talk only with permission (I cannot teach when others are talking). 4.Sit in your seat until dismissed (do not sit on tables and desks). 4.Do Your Best! In order to protect the safety of our students, anyone who is failing academic subjects, owes me assigned work and does not pass a safety test with a score of 100 may not be allowed to participate in all activities. 5.Follow all rules in the Student Code of Conduct.

11 Classroom Procedures 1. Immediately upon entering the room, read and follow the directions on the board. 2.Bathroom passes are a privilege; abuse them and you will lose them. You must sign out when you leave the room and when you return to the room. 3.Code of Conduct Violations may result in the following disciplinary actions: moved seat, silent lunch, extra assignment, call to parents, student/teacher conference, or Email to parent. Students who have three Code of Conduct Violations will result in an office referral Visitors may occasionally drop by our class. When they do you should immediately begin working silently and continue working until I am available. 4.Intercom use is for the TMS faculty. The teacher will answer calls from the office. Please do not yell out or talk when the intercom is being used.

12 Classroom Procedures 6. Bus dismissal –wait in your seats until your method of transportation is called for. 7.Severe weather alert – Wait for instructions then move quickly and quietly to the designated area-sit on the floor-face the wall-remain silent and listen for directions. 8.Fire drills – Move quickly and quietly-leave the building by the bus area next to Mr. Johnson’s room-stay with your class and your teacher in the parking area-do not return to the building until the all clear signal is given. 9.Intruder Lockdown and Frozen Schedule

13 Note to Parents Your middle school student is participating in the Exploratory Program at TMS. Family and Consumer Sciences is an elective class. If a student is failing academic classes, owe me assigned work, or do not pass safety tests with a score of 100 may not be allowed to participate in some activities.

14 Requirements for class: $30 donation Donations are also appreciated: Paper towels Tissues Hand sanitizer Hand soap Magazines Board games Dish detergent Clorox wipes Donations of food cannot be accepted

15 Information Parent or Guardian Signature_____________________________________ Parent’s e-mail address_________________________________________ Student’s Name_______________________________________________ Grade:____________ Period: _____________ Allergies: Yes _____ No _____ Explain: Comments:

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