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Karolina Muszyńska Based on: S. Wrycza, B. Marcinkowski, K. Wyrzykowski „Język UML 2.0 w modelowaniu SI”

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Presentation on theme: "Karolina Muszyńska Based on: S. Wrycza, B. Marcinkowski, K. Wyrzykowski „Język UML 2.0 w modelowaniu SI”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Karolina Muszyńska Based on: S. Wrycza, B. Marcinkowski, K. Wyrzykowski „Język UML 2.0 w modelowaniu SI”

2  Dynamic view – communication diagrams ◦ role of communication diagrams ◦ basic concepts ◦ comparison of concepts in sequence and communication diagrams ◦ examples 2

3  Communication diagram is a kind of interaction diagram, describing structural relationships among system classifiers taking part in the interaction and interchange of messages between them.  Communication diagram includes two closely related elements: ◦ structural organization of classifiers expressed by associations ◦ interaction among classifiers realized by messages assigned to specified associations  Communication diagrams are isomorphic with sequence diagrams which means that one type of diagram can be transformed into the other type without loss of any important information. 3

4 Basic concepts common for both communication and sequence diagrams:  classifier  message Basic concept specific only for communication diagram:  association – same meaning as in the class diagram 4

5 When creating communication diagrams the following rules should be observed:  every message must be numbered and have a name indicating the operation to be executed by the object-recipient,  the necessary features of a message within the communication diagram are: message type and message direction,  in case of overflow of the diagram with messages an aggregated information can be made by grouping the messages of the same type and flow direction 5

6 6 Classifier (actor, object, interface, package) Message Association

7 Concepts present in both sequence and communication diagrams Concepts present only in sequence diagrams Concepts present only in communication diagrams classifier message lifeline execution specification association synchronous message asynchronous message return message self-message balking message timeout message create message destroy message condition iteration lost message found message combined fragments and interaction operators interaction occurrence multiple objects 7

8 8 Multiple object  Multiple objects represent a set of objects of a specified class  Reference to multiple objects has an iterative character (can indicate iteration)

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11 11  Identification of classifiers  Specification of relationships among classifiers and connecting them using associations  Identification and naming of messages sent among classifiers  Specification of types of messages and their numbering  Adding advanced concepts (multiple objects, conditions, etc.)  Optional aggregation of messages of same types and directions

12 12 Communication diagrams show a lot of the same information as sequence diagrams, but because of how the information is presented, some of it is easier to find in one diagram than the other. Communication diagrams show which elements each one interacts with better, but sequence diagrams show the order in which the interactions take place more clearly.

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18 18 Web customer actor can search inventory, view and buy books online.

19 19 Order Processing Clerk performs Order processing.

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