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Rotary Club of Conifer Service Above Self Overachieving … without Feeling Overwhelmed “8 Essential Productivity Tips”

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Presentation on theme: "Rotary Club of Conifer Service Above Self Overachieving … without Feeling Overwhelmed “8 Essential Productivity Tips”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Rotary Club of Conifer Service Above Self Overachieving … without Feeling Overwhelmed “8 Essential Productivity Tips”

2 Productivity Tip #1 Focus on Real Priorities Examine what’s most important to you? Find out what’s most important to your customers.

3 The Pareto Principle Activities Results

4 Key Result Areas (KRA’s) Job priorities in which I must excel in order to add great value to the rest of the organization Those parts of my job in which I cannot fail without it having a negative impact on me, as well as the rest of the organization

5 Productivity Tip #2 Eliminate ‘Mind Traffic’ Create a place your mind will trust, using fewer but just the right tools to stay organized. Calendar – To-do Lists – Notes/Info

6 Productivity Tip #3 Turn Your Calendar into Your Primary Planning Tool It’s not just for other people. It’s primarily for all the things you’ve wished you had more time to do.

7 Productivity Tip #4 Use Daily ‘To-Do Lists’ Develop the habit of answering the question “WHEN?”

8 Productivity Tip #5 Store Everything Alphabetically Avoid time wasted ‘looking for things’

9 Productivity Tip #6 Refuse to Complain It takes too much energy, ruins your focus and hurts everyone who crosses your path.

10 Productivity Tip #7 Eliminate ‘Phone Tag’ All it takes is a ‘3-sentence voicemail message’

11 Voice-Mail Script 1.“Hi … This is (Bob Heavers) with (Priority Management). 2.Please be very clear about how I can best respond to your call. 3.Thank you for calling.”

12 Productivity Tip #8 Take Control of Your Email Turn off Email notifications and make a good friend out of your ‘delete’ button

13 Productivity Tip Bonus Consider an ‘Email Charter’ Email Agreements that save everyone lots of time

14 Wrap Up Which of these ‘8 Tips’ can benefit you the most right away?

15 Rotary’s Four Way Test Wherever I go … Whatever I do … Whatever I say, I’ll ask myself first, “Is it good for Rotary? Does it honor our Four Way Test? 1.Is it the TRUTH? 2.Is it FAIR to all concerned? 3.Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? 4.Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

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