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1 NOTE: This presentation was not made for public use. Please do not use this presentations without my permission and the permission of each of the authors of the photographs, quotes, and other materials that they contain. Thank you, Vicki Hughes

2 CHAPTER 5B The Skeletal System
APPENDICULAR SKELETON The Appendicular Skeleton The bones that allow movement. Assignment: Shoulder Girdle Pelvic Gridle

3 CHAPTER 5B The Skeletal System
APPENDICULAR SKELETON Shoulder Joint Scapula – shoulder bone Clavicle – “collar bone” Braces arm away from thorax and helps prevent shoulder dislocation. Acromioclavicular Joint – site of many injuries Sternoclavicular Joint – site where clavicle fits into sternum 159

4 CHAPTER 5B The Skeletal System
APPENDICULAR SKELETON Arm Forearm Arm: one bone Humerus Head of humerus Forearm: two bones Radius Ulna

5 CHAPTER 5B The Skeletal System

6 CHAPTER 5B The Skeletal System
APPENDICULAR SKELETON Bones of the Hand Metacarpals are numbered 1-5 starting with thumb. Each hand contains 14 phalanges. 3 2 4 5 1 161

7 CHAPTER 5B The Skeletal System

8 CHAPTER 5B The Skeletal System
APPENDICULAR SKELETON Pelvic Girdle Function: Weight bearing Pubic Arch 162

9 CHAPTER 5B The Skeletal System
APPENDICULAR SKELETON Pelvic Girdle Sacroiliac joint FEATURES Greater Sciatic Notch (allows sciatic nerve through) Pubic symphysis (expands for birthing) Obturator Foramen (allows nerves and blood vessels through) Pubic arch Sym = together

10 (allows sciatic nerve through) (where the thigh bone joins the pelvis)
CHAPTER 5B The Skeletal System APPENDICULAR SKELETON Pelvic Girdle FEATURES Greater Sciatic Notch (allows sciatic nerve through) Acetabulum (where the thigh bone joins the pelvis) Virtual Hip Replacement Surgery

11 CHAPTER 5B The Skeletal System
APPENDICULAR SKELETON Pubic arch angle < 90o angle Inlet smaller Less lateral flare Sacrum longer MALE Pubic arch angle > 90o angle Inlet rounded and larger More lateral flare Sacrum shorter FEMALE

12 CHAPTER 5B The Skeletal System
APPENDICULAR SKELETON Pelvic bones and Birthing pubic symphysis

13 CHAPTER 5B The Skeletal System
APPENDICULAR SKELETON Bones of the Lower Limbs Tibial tuberosity Anterior View Head of femur Greater trocanter Neck of femur Fibula Femur Intercondylar fossa Tibia Inter = within Anterior View Posterior View 164

14 CHAPTER 5B The Skeletal System

15 CHAPTER 5B The Skeletal System

16 CHAPTER 5B The Skeletal System
APPENDICULAR SKELETON Arches of the Foot What are Fallen Arches? inMedial Longituda normal arch pic

17 Skeletal Joints/Articulations
CHAPTER 5B The Skeletal System APPENDICULAR SKELETON Skeletal Joints/Articulations Amphi = part Structural Classification of Joints: Cartilaginous Joints = bones held together by cartilage Fibrous Joints = bones held together by fibers Synovial Joints = articulating bones are separated by a joint cavity filled with synovial fluid. Functional Classification of Joints: Synarthroses = immovable joints Amphiarthroses = slightly moveable joints Diarthroses = freely moveable joints

18 Skeletal Joints by Structure
CHAPTER 5B The Skeletal System APPENDICULAR SKELETON Skeletal Joints by Structure Symphysis Intervertebral discs Cartilaginous Joints: Connected by pads of cartilage. Symphysis Pubic symphysis Synchondrosis Rib to sternum 168

19 CHAPTER 5B The Skeletal System
APPENDICULAR SKELETON Fibrous Joints: Suture Joint Immobile Connected by strong fibers Syndesmosis Slightly Mobile 168

20 Types of Joints based on Structure
Synovial Joints: Articular cartilage covers end of bones at joints. Joints are enclosed by fibrous articular capsule lined with a synovial membrane. Capsule contains synovial fluid for lubrication. Capsule is reinforced with ligaments. ACL tear & Synovial Joints 170

21 CHAPTER 5B The Skeletal System
APPENDICULAR SKELETON Synovial Joints based on Shape SYNOVIAL JOINTS Plane joint. Hinge joint Pivot joint Condyloid joint Saddle joint Ball-and-Socket joint Joints 171

22 CHAPTER 5B The Skeletal System
APPENDICULAR SKELETON SYNOVIAL JOINTS Plane joint. Hinge joint Pivot joint Condyloid joint Saddle joint Ball-and-Socket joint Joints

23 CHAPTER 5B The Skeletal System
APPENDICULAR SKELETON SYNOVIAL JOINTS Plane joint. Hinge joint Pivot joint Condyloid joint Saddle joint Ball-and-Socket joint Joints

24 CHAPTER 5B The Skeletal System
APPENDICULAR SKELETON SYNOVIAL JOINTS Plane joint. Hinge joint Pivot joint Condyloid joint Saddle joint Ball-and-Socket joint Joints

25 CHAPTER 5B The Skeletal System
APPENDICULAR SKELETON SYNOVIAL JOINTS Plane joint. Hinge joint Pivot joint Condyloid joint Saddle joint Ball-and-Socket joint Joints

26 CHAPTER 5B The Skeletal System
APPENDICULAR SKELETON SYNOVIAL JOINTS Plane joint. Hinge joint Pivot joint Condyloid joint Saddle joint Ball-and-Socket joint Joints

27 Skeletal Joints/Articulations Synovial Joint Dislocations:
CHAPTER 5B The Skeletal System APPENDICULAR SKELETON Skeletal Joints/Articulations Dis = without Synovial Joint Dislocations:

28 Joint Diseases and Injuries
CHAPTER 5B The Skeletal System APPENDICULAR SKELETON Joint Diseases and Injuries Bursitis Inflammation of one or more bursa. Also called “water on the knee.” Caused by impacts resulting in tissue damage. bursa

29 CHAPTER 5B The Skeletal System
APPENDICULAR SKELETON Sprains involving ankle syndesmoses Desmo = band Most common sprain. Ankle Sprains

30 Skeletal Joints/Articulations
CHAPTER 5B The Skeletal System APPENDICULAR SKELETON Skeletal Joints/Articulations Arthro = joint Itis = inflammation Inflammatory Disorders of Joints Arthritis = general term for over 100 different diseases 173

31 Joint Diseases and Injuries
CHAPTER 5B The Skeletal System APPENDICULAR SKELETON Joint Diseases and Injuries Bone spurs Osteoarthritis (OA) Most common. Chronic. Affects elderly most. “Wear and Tear” arthritis. Affects articular cartilages. Extra bone tissue called bone spurs. Osteo = bone Virtual Knee Surgery:

32 Skeletal Joints/Articulations
CHAPTER 5B The Skeletal System APPENDICULAR SKELETON Skeletal Joints/Articulations Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) Chronic inflammation. Onset: yrs 3x women:men Symmetrical (right and left joints affected at same time) Autoimmune disease

33 Skeletal Joints/Articulations
CHAPTER 5B The Skeletal System APPENDICULAR SKELETON Skeletal Joints/Articulations Osteoporosis Loss in bone mass leading to thin, fragile bones.

34 Skeletal Joints/Articulations
CHAPTER 5B The Skeletal System APPENDICULAR SKELETON Skeletal Joints/Articulations Gout Uric Acid accumulation in blood. Deposited as needle-like crystals in joints.

35 Development of the Skeleton
CHAPTER 5B The Skeletal System Development of the Skeleton Ossification Replacement of fibrous or cartilagenous tissue with bone. 174

36 CHAPTER 5B The Skeletal System
Skull Differentiation Difference in growth rate for various parts of the skull change the overall shape of the skull.

37 Development of the Skeleton
CHAPTER 5B The Skeletal System Development of the Skeleton Overall Differentiation Changes in various parts of the skeleton at different ages.

38 Skeletal System Laboratory Practical
Any Questions? Skeletal System Laboratory Practical

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