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© 2004 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved NOTICE This technical data was produced for the U.S. Government under Contract No. 50-SPNA-9-00010, and.

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Presentation on theme: "© 2004 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved NOTICE This technical data was produced for the U.S. Government under Contract No. 50-SPNA-9-00010, and."— Presentation transcript:

1 © 2004 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved NOTICE This technical data was produced for the U.S. Government under Contract No. 50-SPNA-9-00010, and is subject to the Rights in Technical Data - General clause at FAR 52.227-14 (JUN 1987) Approved for public release; distribution unlimited Overview and Status of HDF in NPOESS & NPP Alan M. Goldberg MITRE / NPOESS Integrated Program Office October 2004

2 © 2004 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved Outline n NPOESS / NPP Overview n Role for HDF5 n Status The NPOESS Integrated Program Office and its principal contractors -- Raytheon and Northrop-Grumman -- are prepraring for the launch of the NPP risk-reduction mission in 2006. This presentation will review program status, and how HDF will be used to deliver NPOESS products at the domestic weather centrals and worldwide field terminals.

3 © 2004 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved Concept of Operations Reliable and timely collection, delivery, and processing of quality environmental data 1.Sense Phenomena 2.Downlink Raw Data 3.Transport Raw Data to Centrals For Processing 4.Process Raw Data into EDRs and Deliver to Centrals Monitor and Control Satellites and Ground Elements Source: Wittman (Raytheon)

4 © 2004 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved NPOESS Architecture Source: Wittman (Raytheon)

5 © 2004 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved Mission Data Flow Source: Wittman (Raytheon)

6 © 2004 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved NPOESS Satellite CMIS VIIRS CrIS ATMS ERBS OMPS NPOESS 1330 Configuration 1330 17302130 VIIRSXXX CMISXXX CrISXX ATMSXX SESSX OMPSX ADCSXX SARSATXXX ERBSX SSXXX ALTX TSISX APSX Source: Wittman (Raytheon)

7 © 2004 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved NPOESS EDR-to-Sensor Mapping Precipitation Type/Rate Sea SFC Height/TOPO Solar Irradiance Supra-Therm-Aurora Prop Surface Type Suspended Matter Total Water Content Vegetative Index Surface Wind Stress Snow Cover/Depth Cloud Top Pressure Cloud Top Temperature Down LW Radiance (Sfc) Down SW Radiance (Sfc) Electric Fields Energetic Ions Geomagnetic Field In-situ Plasma Fluctuation In-situ Plasma Temp Med Energy Chgd Parts Net Solar Radiation (TOA) Neutral Density Profile Ocean Color/Chlorophyll Ocean Wave Character Outgoing LW Rad (TOA) O 3 – Total Column Profile Electron Density Profile Ionospheric Scintillation Ice Surface Temperature Land Surface Temp Net Heat Flux Imagery Sea Surface Winds Aerosol Refractive Index Albedo (Surface) Auroral Boundary Auroral Energy Deposition Auroral Imagery Cloud Cover/Layers Cloud Effective Part Size Cloud Ice Water Path Cloud Liquid Water Cloud Optical Thickness Cloud Particle Size/Distrib Cloud Top Height Atm Vert Moist Profile Atm Vert Temp Profile Sea Surface Temperature Cloud Base Height VIIRS (24) CMIS (19) CrIS/ATMS (3) SESS (13) OMPS (1) TSIS (1) ERBS (5) ALT (3) APS (4) LEGEND - Key Performance Parameters Precipitable Water Soil Moisture Aerosol Optical Thickness Aerosol Particle Size Pressure (Surface/Profile) Sea Ice Characterization Active Fires (Application product)

8 © 2004 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved Average Data Latency Latency (minutes) Source: Wittman (Raytheon)

9 © 2004 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved Interface Data Processing Segment (IDPS) Functional Diagram Data Delivery Subsystem Data Formatting Production Scheduling and Control Infrastructure Subsystem Data Management Subsystem On-Line Data Storage Processing Subsystem SDR/TDR Generation EDR Generation Ingest Subsystem Sensor Data Ancillary Data Auxiliary Data Central Systems Long Term Archive Science Data Segment Command, Control, and Communications Segment Stored Mission Data Raw Data Records Data Records Sensor/Temp Data Records Raw Data Records Environmental Data Records Formatted Data Products IDP Operator Data Quality Monitoring Subsystem GIS Based Visualization and Analysis Toolkit Data Quality Engineer Formatted Data Products Source: Wittman (Raytheon) Formatted Data Products to Ingest HDF5 appears at inputs, outputs, & limited interior points

10 © 2004 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved Field Terminal Segment Architecture Signal Processing Subsystem (SPS) Mission Application Subsystem (MAS) Data Processor Element (DPE) NPOESS HRD or LRD NPP HRD FT Technical Specification Internet Mission Support Data Server Field Terminal Segment = NPOESS Provided Software Formatted Data Products Source: Wittman (Raytheon)

11 © 2004 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved Data Product Flow - NPP Source: Barth (Raytheon), Thompson, & Mulvey (NGST)

12 © 2004 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved NPP / NPOESS Phased Incremental Approach For EDR Refinement & Validation PrelaunchPost-Launch Long-Term Monitoring Operations, Maintenance, and Upgrades Calibration and characterization on-orbit Algorithm tuning and upgrades Verification of operational algorithm EDR quality and latency Long-term calibration and validation Validation of operational EDR quality and latency RDR/SDR validation Operational EDRs PDRR C1 launch NPP launch C2 launch C1 operational EDR Verification RDR/SDR/EDR Validation EMDNPPNPOESS Heritage sensor data, design analysis Sensor Characterization and Calibration Calibration and characterization ground tests Verification of science algorithm EDR quality and latency EDR Maturity/Performance NPOESS Mission Duration Source: Wilczynski (IPO), Schwer (NASA)

13 © 2004 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved NPOESS Motivation for HDF5 n Several product types representing different processing levels n Many specific products n Complex products n High data rates –Source ~3 x 15 Mbps –Delivery >10x higher n Interoperability with user systems n Interface consistency n User community familiarity n Maturity n Performace n Sustainability

14 © 2004 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved For NPP/NPOESS Users n IDPS distributes data at “wholesale”, our users redistribute at “retail”; provide value-added and product integration –Users are operational weather Centrals; field terminals operators; archives (CLASS); and research community n Interface Control Documents and subsidiary configuration management documents between users and NPOESS will establish the details n Looking for honest balance between NPOESS requirements & user requirements –Within allowed program scope –FOM is overall program cost

15 © 2004 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved Development status n Mostly done –Defined application scope –Data model –Method for incorporating NSDI metdata into data model –Concept for query metadata in User Block n In work –Styles/conventions for all products –Consistent product design n How much reformatting of heritage products? –Test data sets –Compound or heterogeneous data product files n Open issues –User utility features & tools –Continuity of support

16 NPOESS Preparatory Project (NPP) Level 1 Joint Master Schedule Status as of 6/30/04 Baseline Approval Signatures: IPO NPP Project Manager________Original Signed by ___ 12/12/03 NASA NPP Project Manager_________ Original Signed by ____ 12/12/03 Peter A. Wilczynski Date James G. Watzin Date IPO System Program Director____ Original Signed by ____12/12/03 NASA EOS Program Manager _______ Original Signed by ____ 12/16/03 John D. Cunningham Date George W. Morrow Date Controlled Milestone Critical Path Baseline date (if slipped) Revised from last month LEGEND: UNDER REVIEW (Reflects proposed Satellite integration plan) Calendar Year CRITICAL MILESTONES SPACE SEGMENT VIIRS Instrument (IPO) CrIS Instrument (IPO) ATMS Instrument (NASA) S/C Development (NASA) LAUNCH SUPPORT SEGMENT (NASA) COMMAND, CONTROL & COMM SEGMENT (IPO) INTERFACE DATA PROCESSING SEGMENT (IPO) SCIENCE DATA SEGMENT (NASA) ARCHIVE & DISTRIBUTION SEGMENT (NESDIS) OMPS Instrument (IPO) MISSION SYSTEM INTEGRATION (NASA) MPDR Ops EMD Awd Ground Ready 3/06 SRRSFRIDR PDRRFP EMD Ops EMD Awd Ground Ready 3/06 SRRSFRIDR PDR RFP EMD SRR Rel. 0.0 5/05 SRR Q4Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1 Q2 Q3 2000200120022003200420052006 VIIRS ORR 10/06 Launch PSRR Awd Study 1 Awd Study 2 SDR Study 2PDR RFOAwd S/C Bus/IRR 2/05 NLS Awd LRD Awd 10/06 Launch ATMS MSRRMORORR MRR EMD FIA PSR 11/05 VIIRS FU1 PDRAwdCDR EDU Del. S/SSR Sys DDR Detailed Design EDU PER PSR PDRAwd Implementation CDR ATMS PFM 3/05 ATP LV Ready ICD Rel. 1.0 B1.2 B1.4 ATP OMPS PFM 7/05 B1.3 CDR 2.0/2.1 Rel. 3.0 4.0 EDU2 PSR EDU Del. PSR EtE Complete B1.1 B1.2 B1.4 B1.3 MCR NRA Rel. CrIS FU1 EDU Test Complete CDR PER CDA B1.1 MCDR 10/05 Rel. FIA NCT1NCT3NCT4 ORT NCT2

17 © 2004 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved The NPP Spacecraft (as of August 2004)

18 © 2004 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved ? Questions

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