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The IPY Synoptic Antarctic Shelf-Slope Interactions Study (SASSI) Alejandro H. Orsi Texas A&M University Alejandro H. Orsi Texas A&M University.

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Presentation on theme: "The IPY Synoptic Antarctic Shelf-Slope Interactions Study (SASSI) Alejandro H. Orsi Texas A&M University Alejandro H. Orsi Texas A&M University."— Presentation transcript:

1 The IPY Synoptic Antarctic Shelf-Slope Interactions Study (SASSI) Alejandro H. Orsi Texas A&M University Alejandro H. Orsi Texas A&M University

2 Synoptic Antarctic Shelf-Slope Interactions Study

3 Understand and quantify the observed freshwater variability at Antarctic shelf-slope regime Asses the impact on global climate through its influence on both the shallow and deep meridional circulations of the Southern Ocean Long Term Goals Synoptic Antarctic Shelf-Slope Interactions Study Through the implementation of an observing system over the Antarctic continental margins to monitor global climate change

4 Theme 1: SASSI will provide a unique synoptic snapshot of the Antarctic continental shelf and slope environment, including physical (iAnZone), biogeochemical (GEOTRACES, SOLAS, IMBER) and biodiversity (CoML, GLOBEC) measurements: a legacy against which to measure future change. Theme 2: SASSI aims to understand and parameterise the continental shelf/slope processes that are currently absent from climate models, yet are critical to understanding global climate variability. Synoptic Antarctic Shelf-Slope Interactions Study

5 Assessment of funding status Partly funded: 20 to 50% of resources needed to meet the science objectives Expected to be upgraded to the Mostly funded category (50 to 80%) by the end of 2006 Most certain contributions are from Australia, China, Germany, Japan, Norway, Russia and Spain Pending funding for Brazil, France, Italy, UK and US contributions Hydrographic work most likely to be completed as planned, but mooring arrays poorly subscribed Synoptic Antarctic Shelf-Slope Interactions Study

6 UK: 5 moorings (HOMER, ADCP, T,S,P, CMs) no section at 15W ADELIE (20 stas, 40 surface drifters, 4 ARGOs) Norway/UKFilchner sill 5 moorings at 35W (BIAC) Norway3 moorings at 0E (Fimbul Ice Shelf) Germany1 south of Joinsvile/3 center/2 cape Norvegia moorings US/UKARCHES 2 moorings Orkney Passage 4 moorings USACROSS five moorings JAPANone mooring at 65E, 3 moorings at 140E FRANCE2 to 5 moorings ALBION Adelie Depression 10 moorings across Drake Passage Kerguelen Plateau moorings at gaps SASSI MOORINGS

7 Massive freshening of all Ross Sea waters Ross Sea Bottom Water production with evolving properties? varying source strengths? new sites or mechanisms? slope outer shelf inner shelf

8 iAnZone 10 th Biennial Meeting and SASSI Workshop and SASSI Workshop Scheduled for 27-28 August 2007 in Bergen, Norway to be collated with the Open Science Conference of the Polar Dynamics Meeting

9 ACROSS: Antarctic Cross-Road Of Slope Streamflows CTD, CFCs, isotopes ADCP surveys Moored Current Meter Array Turbulence Measurements Modeling

10 Components: CTD, CFC Tracer, and ADCP surveys Moored Current Meter Array Turbulence Measurements Modeling ACROSS: Antarctic Cross-Road Of Slope Streamflows

11 Goal: comprehend physical processes governing the northward outflow of ventilated slope waters from the Weddell Sea across the Philip Ridge, and their contribution to the conspicuous cooling and freshening of Circumpolar Deep Water (CDW) as it transits the deep Scotia Sea. Research questions: Where and how does the Antarctic Slope Current contribute directly to the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) with ventilated deep waters, and; How large is this contribution? Working hypothesis: Ventilation of the ACC via this mechanism is much more efficient than by the more commonly cited upward diffusion of relatively denser bottom water outflows from the deep boundary current in the NW Weddell Sea. ACROSS: Antarctic Cross-Road Of Slope Streamflows

12 International Polar Year 2007-2008 The Role of Antarctica and the Southern Ocean in Past, Present and Future Climate: A Strategy for the International Polar Year

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