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Agenda 09-10.30 Innleding Benjamin Planque+wp ledere legger fram databehovene for sin wp 10.30-11 Nils Olav Handegard: Hvilken nytte kan Sea2data, Admar.

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Presentation on theme: "Agenda 09-10.30 Innleding Benjamin Planque+wp ledere legger fram databehovene for sin wp 10.30-11 Nils Olav Handegard: Hvilken nytte kan Sea2data, Admar."— Presentation transcript:

1 agenda 09-10.30 Innleding Benjamin Planque+wp ledere legger fram databehovene for sin wp 10.30-11 Nils Olav Handegard: Hvilken nytte kan Sea2data, Admar og BarEcoRe ha av hverandre? 11-11.30 Helge Sagen: Hvordan kan NMD bidra?- hvilke data er tilgjengelig Lunsj i kantina 12-12.30 Geir Odd Johansen fishexchange databasen -dataflyt 12.30-14 Diskusjon: ansvarsfordeling/flaskehalser o.l.

2 BarEcoRe WP1. Fish and benthos communities, past changes and regime shifts Edda Johannesen Maria Fossheim, Lis Lindal Jørgensen, Elena Eriksen Thomas de Lange Wenneck, Herdis Langøy, Trond Thangstad

3 BarEcoRe (Barents Sea Ecosystem Resilience under global environmental change) aim at: Assessing effects of climate warming on: the structure, dynamics and resilience of the BS ecosystem, integrated with the effect of fishery

4 What are the dominant processes that control the community structure of fish and benthos in the Barents Sea? How can we predict the possible future the community structure of fish and benthos under anticipated future climate and fishing pressures? WP 1 adress the spatio-temporal variation in the fish and bentos communities in the Barents Sea

5 Benthos communities (data integrated from period 2006-2009 bottom trawl) Fish communities 2007 bottom trawl

6 Data Bottom trawl surveys (campelen): Main surveysTemporal coverage Responsible Ecosystem survey 2004(03)-2010 IMR/PINRO Winter survey 1981-2010 IMR /(PINRO -since 1999) Shrimp survey1981-1991 IMR 1992-2004 Fiskeriforsking/IMR In addition: Demersal summer survey Juvenile greenland halibut/redfish Russian winter survey

7 Spatial coverage

8 Ecosystem survey: Black line Winter survey (present coverage) Green Ecosystem survey: August-September Winter survey February(march)

9 Shrimp survey - strata A-F covered in April/May - G+H covered in August

10 Winter survey: Yellow: coverage 1981-1993 Grey: coverage 1994-2010 Red line: div between Russia and Norway

11 Winter survey demersal stations 1981-2004 – red: commercial vessels - blue: research vessels


13 Barents Sea fish community Shrimp surveys 3070 stations, 79 taxa ? Species richness

14 Surveys at the IMR: From single species to ecosystem surveys Problem: survey design not optimal for stock assessment, but compromise between several purposes (also compilation of many purposes more motivated by economy than ecology….?) Benefit: study relationships

15 What has been sampled? Survey: Shrimp survey Winter survey Ecosystem survey Target species: shrimpcod/haddock- Other fish:improved ident.improved ident. excellent ident. from 2007 Shrimp:since 1981since 2005yes Benthos groups: 2003 BSnoIMR/PINRO all stations since 2006 2004 BS & Sv. Benthos species: 2003 BSno IMR/PINRO some stas since 2006 2004 BS & Sv. Other: CTD/tempr: SCANMAR sensor yesyes since 1992 Plankton:nono biomass data wp2/mocness Acoustics:Some yearsyesyes

16 Fish and bentos data ecosystem survey: Benthos species: -around 476 taxa (337 to species level) were found (06-08) out of >3000 -difficult species has been checked by lab work or digital immages Fish species: - around 90 found at the survey out of ca 200 recorded for the BS - difficult species checked in lab since 2007 A lot of work in data preparation and quality check -Names, conversion of Russian data, find probably mis-identifiaction based on posistion, pooling of difficult groups etc. For fish done in cooperation between PINRO and Bergen Museum -Fish atlas ecosystem survey 2004-2009 (due end of this year) -data set basis for paper on fish community in the BS, benthos and fish community comparison

17 Winter survey Report Shrimp survey Michaela

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