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Rules on Handout.  8c Violation video 8c 

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Presentation on theme: "Rules on Handout.  8c Violation video 8c "— Presentation transcript:

1 Rules on Handout

2  8c Violation video 8c  tc Safety rap tc

3  Part 1: “What’s Wrong Here?” worksheet  Part 2: What is the scientific method/process? What is it used for?  HW Bio A: Find/ask a question about biology that you would like answered, make a hypothesis, figure out how it could be tested, and research some results/conclusions. NOTE: There may be many different hypotheses, methods, experiments, etc to get to the same/different results.

4   Bookmark it! There is a lot of information on the website, and I update it frequently.  Email:

5 The Checks Lab + Float/Sink Activity (Science Love Song – ASAP)

6  You are given an experiment where you want to test the difference between different soft drinks. You want to see which one(s) will float versus which will sink. Many different drinks are used.  Which would float and which would sink?  Why do you think that this would happen?  Record the similarities and differences between the cans which floating and the ones which sank.

7 Weight: Coke: 394g Diet Coke: 355g Nutritional Facts

8  Sugar in Soda (12 oz):  Coke: 39gDiet Coke: 0g  Pepsi: 41gDiet Pepsi: 0g  Regular soda has more calories as well  Regular = 140 to 160  Diet = 0  Sugar makes it more dense than water

9  Observation  Hypothesis  Experiment  Collecting Data  Draw a Conclusion  Publishing Results  Forming a scientific theory  Describe each part  Do you think that they need to be in a certain order? Why or why not?



12  The question: How deep in the ocean do deep sea angler fish live?  How can I answer this question? What can be done?

13  Curiosity motivates  Background research is done.  More than one hypothesis can be formed

14  Explanation for a problem that can be formally tested  If it cannot be tested, then it is not a hypothesis

15  A procedure that tests a hypothesis by collecting information under controlled conditions.  How would this be done? What can you control and not control in different conditions?

16  Control group = all conditions kept normal  Control = the base condition being tested against (same)  Experimental group = one condition being tested for changes  Variable = what is being tested for (differs)  Independent variable = only one that affects the outcome  What the experimenter changes  Dependent variable = resulting change in the outcome  What the result of that change was  Ex: Pharmaceutical studies

17  Does the presence of bacteria affect plant growth? Bacteria are used in one condition but not the other.  Which is the control group?  Which is the experimental group?  What is the independent variable?  What it the dependent variable?  Generally: It is variable vs. control  Experimental group vs. Control group

18  A male peacock is very colorful, which may make it an easier prey in the wild. However, over the many years, it has kept this pattern. Why would it do this?  Hypothesis:  Variable:  Control:  There is not always a control

19  Can be descriptive or numerical data  Interpretation of data leads to a result  Provide an example of each type of data  What does the following graph tell you?  Which activity is the most popular with students?

20  What does this graph tell in, you general?  What are the intervals for time and speed in this graph?  At 4 seconds, how fast is the vehicle going?  Between second 5 and 6, how much speed does the vehicle gain?  If the graph continued to a second 7 connecting point, how fact could the vehicle be going?

21  From results  look for a trend, pattern, correlation or fact.  This can be published  Scientists repeat the experiment  Science is continuously altered

22  If proven correct  scientific theory or law  Scientific theory = summarizes hypotheses that have been supported by a lot of empirical evidence (Ex: cholesterol theory)  It can be changed or disproven  It explains an event; specific  Scientific law = generalization that describes some aspect of the world. (Ex: law of gravity; mathematical laws)  It implies cause/effect relationship.  It describes an event; general  Cannot be changed;  Explanation vs. Description


24  Information that backs up a hypothesis or theory  Repeatedly shown to be accurate  Acts as proof in science  Gained through experimentation and observation (empirical)  Ex: Graphs, scientific studies (animals, surveys, etc.)


26  Scientists DO NOT follow a rigorous set of steps nor does science usually work out cleanly  Ideas and theories can change  Think about a real-world problem that you have ever encountered. How does the scientific method’s steps apply to that? What do you normally do when a problem arises?

27  What kinds of questions do you think that science can answer?  What kinds of questions do you think that science can NOT answer?  Science offers a different way of knowing that other instances such as religion or intuition. Evidence-based!

28 Independent variable represents the inputs or cause of a change. – Cause – We choose to change – Only 1 Dependent variable represents the output or effect due to the independent variable. – Effect – Needs/depends on other variable – Can be more than 1

29 Control Group All conditions stay the same. Experimental Group A single variable is changed. Data: Results from experiment, no opinions

30  Does cardio effect weight gain/loss?  What is changing here?

31  I have 2 groups:  1 with a plant in the sunlight  1 with a plant in the darkness  What am I varying?  Which represents the control (normal) group?  Which represents the experimental group?

32  0 0  qY (animated) qY  w (song) w

33  How does talking to others effect attention spans?  Does talking effect attention spans or do attention spawns effect talking here?  Which causes what?  Which do we directly control? How do you know?

34  How does the amount of television watched effect language spoken?  What is the independent variable?  What is the dependent variable?  0 0


36 Control group Independent variable Dependent variable

37  Which if the independent variable?  Which is the dependent variable?  How do you know?

38 A researcher is curious to find out what effect classical music has on people’s level of relaxation (as measured by heart rate). He suspects that listening to classical music will make people feel more calm and relaxed. He lets one group listen to classical music for one hour. He lets another group sit in a quiet room for one hour (i.e they hear no music). After one hour, he monitors the heart rate of each participant to measure their level of relaxation.

39 With musicWithout music

40 Experimental Group Control Group Independent Variable Dependent Variable

41 This researcher is concerned about finding a cause for one of the biggest worldwide killers: heart disease. He wants to study the effects of different levels of stress on the rate of heart disease. It seems that the higher the stress level in an individual, the more likely they are to suffer from some form of heart disease. He gets two groups of volunteers. Group 1 is placed into a condition where they receive next to no sleep and have to do an excessive amount of work, constantly. Group 2 is place into a condition where they get plenty of sleep and have a very fairly paced schedule. This is continued and monitored for a few weeks. He notices that towards the end of the experiment, Group 1’s stress level is extremely high while Group 2’s stress level is very low. When he examines both group’s heart conditions after the experiment, he notices that the heart is working much harder, beating quicker, and seems to be slightly damaged for people in Group 1. 1. What is the independent and dependent variables? 2. Which group is the experimental group? 3. Which group is the control group? 4. What conclusion can he draw from his experiment?

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