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Victor Kaptelinin Umeå University, Sweden VMT Workshop, Philadelphia, June 9-11, 2004.

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Presentation on theme: "Victor Kaptelinin Umeå University, Sweden VMT Workshop, Philadelphia, June 9-11, 2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 Victor Kaptelinin Umeå University, Sweden VMT Workshop, Philadelphia, June 9-11, 2004

2 Background  1970s High School for Physics and Mathematics, Novosibirsk, Russia (  1970s-1980s Department of Psychology, Moscow State University, Russia (  1980s-1990s Psychological Institute, Russian Academy of Education, Russia (  1993-1994 The Fifth Dimension Project, LCHC, UC San Diego, USA (  1994-present Department of Informatics, Umeå University, Sweden (

3 VMT Workshop, Philadelphia, June 9-11, 2004 Current CSCL research  Research group: TEAMS (TEchnology, Activity, and Mediation in Social context), Department of Informatics, Umeå University  Theories: Activity theory, cultural-historical psychology, semiotics, distributed cognition  Research areas: The social context of distance learning, re-contextualization of learning activities in educational environments, videoconferences, personal technologies

4 VMT Workshop, Philadelphia, June 9-11, 2004 Concepts  a multi-level model of social context  re-contextualization of learning activities  supra-situational activities in learning environments  situated implementation of educational technologies

5 VMT Workshop, Philadelphia, June 9-11, 2004 Selected publications  Hedestig, U., Kaptelinin, V. (in press) Facilitator’s roles in a videoconference learning environment. Information Systems Frontiers.  Kaptelinin, V. (2003) Learning with artifacts: Integrating technologies into activities. Interacting with Computers, 15 (6).  Kaptelinin, V., Cole, M. (2002) Individual and collective activities in educational computer game playing. In: T. Koschmann, R. Hall, N. Miyake (eds.) CSCL 2: Carrying Forward the Conversation. LEA.  Hedestig, U., Kaptelinin, V. (2002) Re-contextualization of teaching and learning in videoconference-based environments: An empirical study. Proceedings, CSCL 2002.  Hedestig, U., Kaptelinin, V., Orre, C.-J. (2002) Supporting decentralized education with personal technologies. Proceedings, E- Learn.  Kaptelinin, V., Hedestig, U. (2001) A Conceptual Model of the Social Context of Distance Learning. Proceedings, ICDE.

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