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Fall 2012 Provost’s Retreat August 17, 2012. Dr. Dennis A. Pruitt, Sr. Vice President for Student Affairs, Vice Provost and Dean of Students 110 Osborne.

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Presentation on theme: "Fall 2012 Provost’s Retreat August 17, 2012. Dr. Dennis A. Pruitt, Sr. Vice President for Student Affairs, Vice Provost and Dean of Students 110 Osborne."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fall 2012 Provost’s Retreat August 17, 2012

2 Dr. Dennis A. Pruitt, Sr. Vice President for Student Affairs, Vice Provost and Dean of Students 110 Osborne Building Columbia, SC 29208 Office: 803-777-4172 Fax: 803-777-9354 Email:

3 Fall 2012 Provost’s Retreat Presentation available at:

4 Fall 2012 Provost’s Retreat The world we once knew we now don’t know A series of very troubling warning signs

5 Fall 2012 Provost’s Retreat A new funding model will require us to manage with: Limited state subsidies Enrollment to capacity (very challenging!) Modest student enrollment growth Limited tuition increases “Resource Diversity” (Moody’s)

6 Fall 2012 Provost’s Retreat Additional standards for institutional stature Freshman-sophomore retention rates Length of time to degree Graduation rates Debt at graduation Placement Knowledge and skill levels for employment

7 Fall 2012 Provost’s Retreat It starts with recruiting a stellar freshman class and their RETENTION Stature, image, reputation Compelling aid for future student enrollments Student/family/employer/societal satisfaction Provide fiscal stability

8 Fall 2012 Provost’s Retreat So let’s all :  Inspire our students to engage in high impact educational activities;

9 Fall 2012 Provost’s Retreat Let’s all :  Inspire our students to engage in high impact educational activities;  Help our students manage their self-destructive behaviors;

10 Fall 2012 Provost’s Retreat Let’s all :  Inspire our students to engage in high impact educational activities;  Help our students manage their self-destructive behaviors;  Create high expectations for our students.

11 Fall 2012 Provost’s Retreat Let’s all: “Deliver on the Promise”

12 Helen I. Doerpinghaus, Ph.D. Vice Provost and Dean of Undergraduate Studies Office of the Provost 102 Osborne Building Columbia, SC 29208 Office: 803-777-2808 Fax: 803-777-9502 Email:

13 Fall 2012 Provost’s Retreat USC Connect Programs and Administration Fall 2012 Events Faculty Charge Beyond-the-Classroom recommendations Within-the-Classroom connections Planning and reflection

14 Fall 2012 Provost’s Retreat Advising Our Students University Advisors Network (UAN) Standardizing advisement on-line scheduling common e-mail guidelines for preparation and advisement BTC options Banner benefit to students, faculty, staff self-service (GPS) role-based security communication plan

15 Fall 2012 Provost’s Retreat Presentation available at:


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