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Kaimanawa Wild Horse Control Methods Jade Thompson.

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Presentation on theme: "Kaimanawa Wild Horse Control Methods Jade Thompson."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kaimanawa Wild Horse Control Methods Jade Thompson

2 Contents  What are Kaimanawa Horses  Why must they be controlled  Methods of control  Suggestions

3 What are Kaimanawa Horses?  Wild horses that roam the Kaimanawa Ranges  First recorded in 1876  Welsh and Exmoor crossbreds  Escapees of stations and army Calvary horses released in a strangles epidemic

4 Why must their numbers be controlled?  1997 population was 1700, horses were severely malnourished and inbred, causing serious health problems  Breeding rates currently at 26% per year (doubling every 3-4 years)  Up to 31 unique plant species in the area they live  300 is the lowest population size that can remain genetically diverse with least impact on the environment

5 Current Method  April-DoC counts horses, gets a rough estimate of how many to remove  June-surplus mustered, when pregnancies are least vulnerable, previous years foals are of suitable weaning age  All horses that are mustered into the yards leave on trucks-to new homes or the abattoir

6 Problems With Current Method 2012  190 horses mustered  105 found homes  85 slaughtered 2014  172 horses mustered  157 found homes  15 slaughtered

7 Problems With Current Method

8 Possible Methods of Control  Immunocontraception  Auction  Australia/America methods

9 Country Comparisons  Australia-shoot brumbies from helicopters  America-no kill policy, thousands of acres of yards where mustered horses live for the rest of their lives, 34000 currently in holding facilities, long term pastures

10 Immunocontraception  Aim to slow population growth and allow fewer horses to be slaughtered  Muster less frequently, less human interference  PZP-trialled in 1990’s and failed, unpleasant side affects to health/wellbeing/behaviour, unpractical and uneconomic  GnRH-currently only up to 4 years infertility, being researched in America

11 Auction  Need preapproved buyers as they are wild horses  Those with biggest budgets take best horses  Far too stressful for the horses  All horses must be transported and housed elsewhere

12 Suggestions  Continue to muster  Immunocontraception research  Horses suitable to rehome kept in yards like the American Mustangs, to be auctioned at future date

13 References      AU/petitions/australian-government-ban- aerial-culling-of-australian-brumbies-in-all- australian-states AU/petitions/australian-government-ban- aerial-culling-of-australian-brumbies-in-all- australian-states

14 Questions?

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