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Law & ethics of Veterinary medicine training for front staff

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1 Law & ethics of Veterinary medicine training for front staff
By: michelle mobley, lvt

2 Law & ethics Morals and judgments that are valuable to our veterinary practice Ethics are essential to the profession and it provides trust from our clients Many professions have code of ethics to follow (like nurses, doctors, and lawyers)

3 The practice of veterinary medicine
The Texas State board of Veterinary Medical Examiners defines the practice of veterinary medicine as “the diagnosis, treatment, correction, change, manipulation, relief or prevention of animal disease, deformity, defect, injury, or other physical condition, including the prescription or administration of a drug, biologic, anesthetic, apparatus, or other therapeutic or diagnostic substance or technique; representation of an ability and willingness to perform the acts listed above; or use titles, words, or letters to induce the belief that a person is legally authorized and qualified to perform an act listed above…”

4 Record keeping Licensees shall admit a representative of the Board, during regular business hours, to inspect equipment and business premises; examine and/or copy client and patient records, drug records (including : invoices, receipts, transfer documents, inventory logs, surgery logs) Patient records must be maintained for a minimum of 5 years from the last date the patient was treated. Clients are entitled to a copy of records pertaining to their pet

5 Record keeping cont… patient forms must contain
name, address, and phone number of the client; identification of patient history; dates of visits; any immunization records Weight (if required) Temperature (if required) any laboratory analysis; diagnostic images or written summary of results differential diagnosis and/or treatment other details necessary to substantiate or document the examination, diagnosis, and treatment provided, and/or surgical procedure performed; Name of the veterinarian responsible for treatment Any signed documents of acceptance of treatment or referral health certificates Date and substance of consultation with specialists

6 Unprofessional conduct
“Some states classify all of their practice act violations as unprofessional conduct, while others have established codes of professional conduct” Fee splitting – receiving money for a referral of a patient Failing to give copies of documents when paid for by client Performing services that have not been authorized

7 You may not!!! Even telling a client that their pet has worms or is considered diagnosing. Or telling them to try Benadryl or over over-the-counter medication is considered prescribing. Only a licensed veterinarian may diagnose, prescribe treatment and perform alternative therapies, invasive dental procedures or surgery

8 Payment for services associated with third party liability
“Whenever veterinarian care is provided for a patient, the contract allowing for the care is between the veterinarian and the animal owner” If an animal is attacked by another animal the bill must be paid in full by the owner. It is the owner’s responsibility to collect reimbursement (not ours)

9 Rabies vaccination requirements
“most states require that dogs over four to six months of age be vaccinated against rabies”

10 Right of stray animal to receive emergency care
“… if an animal animal is found without its owner in a public place, its potential of receiving emergency care depends upon several factors…” A good samaritan agrees to pay for the veterinary bill A veterinarian agrees to provide care without payment from the owner (ask the doctor’s first please)

11 Consent forms for disposing of bodies
“occasionally major misunderstandings and even lawsuits will occur because veterinarians have disposed of a body in a method other than that chosen by the owner.” Please provide an option to dispose form and get a signature If over the telephone please read word for word to the owner

12 Failure to offer estimates
Please make sure that all clients are given estimates for veterinary care Eliminates misunderstandings and loss of clientele Make sure owner signs the estimate

13 Our responsibility to the clients
The veterinarian is responsible for accepting a patient and for determining the diagnosis and course of treatment for the patient. The veterinarian has a duty to suggest a referral in any case where the care and treatment of the animal is beyond his/her capabilities. Veterinarians must not guarantee a cure to clients. Veterinarians may not issue official health documents without personally examining and animal (health certificates) Veterinarians must conduct their practice with honesty, integrity and fair dealing

14 Veterinarians and informed consent
“Because of the informed consent doctrine a modicum of discussion regarding risks and complications should occur prior to undertaking some procedures…” Explain the risks of seizures Discuss the possibilities of peritonitis after intestinal anastomoses and other major GI surgeries Explain the potential of shock, gastric wall necrosis, and torsions after surgery These are just a few examples of what could happen

15 Duty to refer We will refer our patients to a specialists to help in the diagnosis or treatment of a complicated case We want the best for our beloved patients, please provide a the list of specialists in the area

16 False imprisonment We can’t keep a client in an examination room or not allow them off the premises if they do not pay their bill, this is a form of false imprisonment To prevent this we will get half of the estimate before providing services and the other half at pick-up

17 Reference Texas State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners. Retrieved February 28, 2015 from Texas Administrative Codes, Sections : TSBVE. Retrieved February 28, 2015 from Practicing Veterinary Medicine in Texas Requires A License : TSBVME. Retrieved February 28, 2015 from RULES PERTAINING TO THE PRACTICE OF VETERINARY MEDICINE : pdf Wilson, J. (2008). Law and Ethics of the Veterinary Profession: Yardley Priority Press Ltd.

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