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Aim: How do organisms interact in an ecosystem? Como se relacionan los organismos en un ecosistema?

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2 Aim: How do organisms interact in an ecosystem? Como se relacionan los organismos en un ecosistema?

3 Why do organisms need to eat? Por que los organismos necesitan comer? To get ENERGY!! – Para adquirir energia Cell Respiration: (Respiracion Celular) C 6 H 12 O 6 + O 2 ATP + CO 2 + H 2 O

4 Organism Categories: (Categorias de Organismos) Organisms Producers (Autotrophs) Consumers (Heterotrophs) Decomposers

5 Organism Categories: Consumers 1 st Order Herbivore 2 nd Order Carnivore/ Omnivore 3 rd Order Carnivore/ Omnivore Herbivores (Hervivoros) – eat only producers (Comen productores) Carnivores (Carnivoro) – eat only meat (Come carne) Omnivores (Omnivoro) – eat both producers & meat (come productores y carne)

6 Ecosystem Relationships: Symbiotic Relationships ( Relaciones simbioticas ) 1.Parasitism (Parasitismo) 2.Mutualism (Mutualismo) 3.Commensalism (Comensalismo) 4.Predator & prey (Depredador y Preza)

7 Parasitism: (Parasitismo) Fluke Worms Tick Parasites are organisms that attack other live organisms called hosts.(+,-) Los parasitos son organismos que atacan a otros organismos llamados

8 Mutualism: They both benefit Mutualismo: Ambos se benefician The Nile crocodile opening its mouth to permit the Egyptian plover to feed on any leeches attached to its gums. (El cocodrilo abre su boca para que el organismo se coma las sanguijuelas en su boca)

9 Predator & prey – predator benefits and prey is affected negatively ex. Rabbit and lynx. Depredador y preza- El depredador se beneficia y la preza es afectada de forma negativa.

10 Commensalism: One benefits, the other is unaffected Comensalismo: Uno se beneficia sin lastimar al otro Barnacles are non-motile, & they adhere to the fins of whales. This allows them to be taken to places where there is food. The whale is not affected. Barnacles, no se mueven y por lo tanto se pegan de la ballena para ser transportados a lugares donde hay comida.

11 How do the cows we eat get their energy? Como obtienen las vacas su energia? Primary consumers get their energy from the producers they eat Los consumidores primarios obtienen su energia de los productores que consumen

12 How do producers get their energy? Como obtienen los productores su energia? The primary source of energy for living things is the sun. (La fuente primordial de energia para los seres vivientes es el sol). Producers capture this energy through the process of Photosyntesis. (Los productores utilizan la energia solar mediante un proceso llamado fotosintesis)

13 How is energy transferred in a community? Como se transfiere la energia en una comunidad? Energy is transferred by consuming other organisms (La energia se transfiere mediante el consumo de otros organismos)

14 In which direction is the energy moving? Why? En que direccion se mueve la energia? Energy transfer (Transferencia de Energia

15 Scientists depict this transfer of energy as a Food chain. They show the transfer of energy from one organism to another in a community. Los cientificos ilustran la transferencia de energia en una cadena alimenticia la que ensenan la transferencia de energia de un organismo al otro. Food Chains (Cadenas Alimenticias)

16 Food Webs Show many food chains interconnected together Ensenan cuantas cadenas alimenticias estan interconectadas.

17 Energy Pyramid (Piramid de energia) Producers 1st Order Consumers 2 nd Order Consumers 3 rd Order Consumers Energy Flow

18 Sun’s Energy in an Ecosystem Some of the energy is used by each organism and some of it is lost as heat energy to the environment (Parte de la energia solar es usada por los seres vivientes y parte es absorbida por el ambiente.

19 Why is there so little energy at the top of the pyramid? Por que hay tan poca energia en la parte alta de la piramide. Most of the energy from the sun has been used or lost by organism in the lower levels La mayoria de la energia se ido al ambiente o a los organismos de los niveles mas bajos. Only about 10% of the energy available at each level is transferred to the NEXT level. Solamente el 10% de la energia es trasferida al proximo nivel. 100% 10% 1% 90% LOST!

20 Pyramid of Numbers (Numeros Shows the relative number of individual organisms at each trophic level. Biomass Pyramid (Biomasa) Represents the amount of living organic matter at each trophic level. Energy Pyramid (Energia) Shows the relative amount of energy available at each trophic level. Section 3-2 Ecological pyramids (Piramides Ecologicas Go to Section:

21 In which direction is energy flowing? En que direccion fluye la energia?

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