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Pebbles Sand Silt Geologist. How do these pebbles turn into sand???

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Presentation on theme: "Pebbles Sand Silt Geologist. How do these pebbles turn into sand???"— Presentation transcript:

1 Pebbles Sand Silt Geologist

2 How do these pebbles turn into sand???

3 gravel Silt cobbles clay boulder pebbles sand Clay Silt Sand Gravel Pebbles Cobbles Boulders

4 ClaySiltSandGravelPebbles CobblesBoulders Which of these is the size of dust ? It is the smallest rock you have studiedCLAY Pieces of rock that are the size of dust

5 Collection

6 reddish bubbly rock. Once the top of the lava Scoria-

7 light, soft, smooth rock that comes from the ashes of the volcano Tuff-

8 grey rock that was once hot liquid lava Basalt

9 chalky rocks

10 siltsand humus = dead plant materials These earth materials make_______ soil.

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