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A Totalitarian State In the Soviet Union, Joseph Stalin set up a totalitarian state. He took away all free market rights and made every enterprise and.

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Presentation on theme: "A Totalitarian State In the Soviet Union, Joseph Stalin set up a totalitarian state. He took away all free market rights and made every enterprise and."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Totalitarian State In the Soviet Union, Joseph Stalin set up a totalitarian state. He took away all free market rights and made every enterprise and farm state owned. This gave workers little incentive to produce quality products or extra food and the country struggled to feed its people. 1 of 8 The Rise of Totalitarianism Section 4: The Soviet Union Under Stalin Witness History Audio: The Heart of the Party Note Taking Transparency 169

2 Stalin’s Terror Tactics Stalin was ruthless against anyone perceived as being disloyal. He set up Gulags where people would be sent to work and he even took food away from farm families in what was called the Terror Famine. The country lost many of its best and brightest. 2 of 8 The Rise of Totalitarianism Section 4: The Soviet Union Under Stalin Color Transparency 170: Gulag Prisoners, by Nikolai German Geography Interactive: The Soviet Union, 1928-1941 Communist Attempts to Control Thought Stalin used propaganda to boost his popularity. Posters, loudspeaker announcements, and newspaper articles extolled Communism. Books, music, and other art forms that were critical of Stalin were censored. He also tried to replace religion with communist ideology. Witness History Audio: Anna Akhmatova

3 3 of 8 The Rise of Totalitarianism Section 4: The Soviet Union Under Stalin Soviet Society Under Stalin There was still a class order under Communism, but this one put party members at the top. All others endured shortages of food and consumer goods, although they did get free education and health care, and women were treated as equals to men in the workplace. Soviet Foreign Policy The Soviets encouraged communist revolutions in other countries through an organization called Comintern. This organization supported revolutionary groups around the world and created a “Red Scare” in the United States.

4 4 of 8 The Rise of Totalitarianism Section 4: The Soviet Union Under Stalin Looking Ahead Stalin succeeded in making his country a military superpower, but it was also home to people with a much lower standard of living than the rest of the developed world. QuickTake Section Quiz Progress Monitoring Transparency

5 The Rise of Totalitarianism: Section 4 Note Taking Transparency 169 5 of 8

6 The Rise of Totalitarianism: Section 4 Color Transparency 170: Gulag Prisoners, by Nikolai German 6 of 8

7 The Rise of Totalitarianism: Section 4 Progress Monitoring Transparency (1 of 2) 7 of 8

8 The Rise of Totalitarianism: Section 4 Progress Monitoring Transparency (2 of 2) 8 of 8

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