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Writing and the Young EFL Learner Sarah Coutts

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Presentation on theme: "Writing and the Young EFL Learner Sarah Coutts"— Presentation transcript:

1 Writing and the Young EFL Learner Sarah Coutts

2 Phonics Systems

3 Jolly Phonics



6 Teaching a Sound Sammy the snake likes to explore. His friends say that he is silly to explore by himself because it is dangerous but Sammy doesn’t listen to them. Sammy knows what to do when he is scared. He says, “Sssss.”

7 Learning to Write

8 New Vocabulary

9 Moving on to Blends

10 What other words start with /s/?

11 Other Words with /s/

12 Developing Vocabulary

13 Writing is usually more intimidating for teachers than for students!

14 Moving on to Sentences

15 Human Sentences

16 Audience Developing a sense of audience is an essential part of communicating in writing and it is possible even at an early stage of writing.

17 Levelled Writing Tasks

18 Word Level  Labels for Pictures/Diagrams  Crosswords  Anagrams (words with scrambled letters)  Word Puzzles  Picture/Word Dictionaries  Charts for Surveys/Questionnaires  Classifying Words into Word Families  Concept/Word Webs  Menus/Shopping Lists Purpose: Learning new vocabulary, handwriting and spelling

19 Sentence Level Purpose: Learning new vocabulary, handwriting and spelling as well as practicing new structures and functions  Captions for Pictures  Speech Bubbles for Characters  Writing Information from Charts  Writing Simple Questions  Unscrambling Sentences

20 Text Level Purpose: Learning new vocabulary, handwriting and spelling, practicing new structures and functions as well as planning, drafting, editing and understanding layout  Diaries  Descriptions  Advertisements/Posters  Instructions  Invitations  Letters  Poems  Stories/Simple Books

21 Dear Diary Basic Weather: Hot, Sunny Friends: Play, Laugh Food: Delicious, Hungry Intermediate Today, the weather was hot and sunny. I played with my friends. We laughed a lot.

22 Alternative Gap-Fills

23 Invitations


25 Postcards

26 Picture Prompts

27 Dialogues

28 How can we improve this?

29 Comics

30 Short Writing Prompts Write about the best day of your life. Describe your ideal bedroom. If I were the teacher, I would…. Write about your favorite TV show.

31 Short Letter Prompts

32 Poems

33 Text Messages

34 Wanted Posters

35 Simple Book Reviews

36 Editing and Proofreading At an elementary level, students can check simple things like:  Spelling  Sentence Structure (i.e. Every sentence has a subject and a verb)  Capital Letters (Names and at the beginning of sentences)  Punctuation (Full Stops and Commas)

37 Spelling

38 Grammar

39 Mixed Review


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