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If you want to build higher, dig deeper Cornwall Teachers’ Conference 25 th March 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "If you want to build higher, dig deeper Cornwall Teachers’ Conference 25 th March 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 If you want to build higher, dig deeper Cornwall Teachers’ Conference 25 th March 2014

2 Five strands of mathematical proficiency NRC (2001) Adding it up: Helping children learn mathematics

3 The ‘new’ site

4 Themed Collections Linked resources Teacher/Student audiences Curriculum content Mathematical processes

5 Dicey Operations Dicey Operations in Place Value, Integers, Ordering & Rounding – Stage 3 Factors and Multiples Challenge in Factors, Multiples and Primes M, M and M in Processing and Representing DataPlace Value, Integers, Ordering & Rounding – Stage 3 Factors and Multiples ChallengeFactors, Multiples and Primes M, M and MProcessing and Representing Data

6 Some (quick) ways to (probably) make consolidation tasks more interesting reverse the question greater generality (what if…?) seek all possibilities look at/for alternative methods

7 What are the coordinates of the mid-point between (2, 1) and (6, 9)? which pairs of points have (4, 5) as a mid-point? if (4, 5) is one third of the way along a line what could the two end-points be? what other integer points lie on the line joining (2, 1) to (6, 9)? can you find two (or more) ways to find the mid-point between two points?

8 Now take a topic you’ve just taught, or are about to teach, and look for opportunities to reverse questions search for generality list all possibilities consider alternative methods

9 NRICH problems require students to work mathematically Exploring → Noticing Patterns → Conjecturing → Generalising → Explaining → Justifying → Proving

10 I don't expect, and I don't want, all children to find mathematics an engrossing study, or one that they want to devote themselves to either in school or in their lives. Only a few will find mathematics seductive enough to sustain a long term engagement. But I would hope that all children could experience at a few moments in their careers... the power and excitement of mathematics... so that at the end of their formal education they at least know what it is like and whether it is an activity that has a place in their future. David Wheeler

11 What next… CPD Follow-up page: Sign up for our newsletter to receive regular updatesnewsletter

12 Cornwall Teachers’ Conference Charlie Gilderdale

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