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The Project Lesson Study Process Raising levels of achievement amongst students defined as MLD.

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Presentation on theme: "The Project Lesson Study Process Raising levels of achievement amongst students defined as MLD."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Project Lesson Study Process Raising levels of achievement amongst students defined as MLD.

2 Lesson study diagram

3 Analyse and review current practice Reflect on your current approaches to assessment and planning. Using our survey. Step 1

4 Decide who you can work with to carry out the lesson study. Identify colleagues to work on the lesson study on the planning sheet. Step 2

5 Look at timeline and expectations in detail Step 3 TimelineRole of Teacher 1Others in LS team (SLT, TA’s, LSAs, ITT students, technicians, governors) Role of Teacher 2 October Lead teacher in lesson study Observation role support in planning and review November December January Observation role support in planning and review Lead teacher in lesson study February March

6 Decide on the pedagogic focus We need to build on best practice. What information is required? What research evidence is available? Look at: Step 4

7 Decide on the goals for the focus students What aspect of learning behaviour do you expect will change in the MLD students by the end of the lesson study? Refer to GME guidance booklet which Annamari will explain. Step 5

8 Together plan a study lesson with the case pupils in mind. Review the exemplar plan and then plan the first research lesson. Use the planning templates to help you. Step 6

9 Teach, and together observe and assess the learning of focus group. Review an exemplar observation sheet. Use the observation sheet to take notes against indicated expectations of case pupils. Step 7

10 Review and planning meeting Look over the evidence, discuss and plan the next research lesson in light of findings. Follow steps 6 – 8 again until 3 research lessons are complete. Step 8

11 Review the achieved outcomes of case pupils. Review the progress of case pupils and record their achieved goals. Use the GOAL MONITORING TEMPLATES on website. Send back to Annamari. Step 9

12 Share the learning Create case report and poster. Plan how to share the findings in school. Step 10

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