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Word Lesson. Hate Victim Bully Strength Courage Fig Figure Figurative Figuratively.

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Presentation on theme: "Word Lesson. Hate Victim Bully Strength Courage Fig Figure Figurative Figuratively."— Presentation transcript:

1 Word Lesson

2 Hate Victim Bully Strength Courage

3 Fig Figure Figurative Figuratively

4 Experience Dynamite Academy Emotion Social Literal Mental

5 Hate Experience Dynamite Social Academy Literal Emotion Mental

6 Compass Compasses Encompass Encompasses Ethics Ethical Ethically

7 Society Academic

8 Antique Antiquated

9 Hate Hatred Experience Experiment Dynamite Dynamic Academy Academic Literal Literally Emotional Emotionally Detriment Detrimental CompassEncompasses EthicsEthical NobleNobility AntiqueAntiquated

10 Hatred Frequent Experiment Dynamic Incident Antiquated Encompasses Society Academic Literally Emotionally Detrimental Ethically Nobility Figuratively

11 Introduced Nazis Reasoning Decreasing Bullying Conversation Hatred Frequent Experiment Dynamic Incident Physically Society Academic Literally Emotionally Detrimental Anxiety Volunteer Symbol Onslaught Provide Honor Nobility Expert Protect Fictional Ethical Prove Academic Include Serious Inclusive Detrimental Encompasses Trusted

12 Vocabulary Antiquated: (adj.) Old Dilemma: (n.) a problem Detrimental: (adj.) harmful

13 Fluency In the face of injustice, Captain America was designed to be a defender of liberty. Thousands of comic book pages later, that liberty has embodied not only the freedom and rights of nations but also of the value of liberty for all individuals.

14 DateArticle TitleWP2MWPMErrors Score 1-5 PaceExp.Know Words Student Name: __________________________________ Fluency Progress Monitoring Sheet

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