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Desjardins Insurance refers to Desjardins Financial Security Life Assurance Company. Planned Gift FOR REPRESENTATIVES' USE ONLY.

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Presentation on theme: "Desjardins Insurance refers to Desjardins Financial Security Life Assurance Company. Planned Gift FOR REPRESENTATIVES' USE ONLY."— Presentation transcript:

1 Desjardins Insurance refers to Desjardins Financial Security Life Assurance Company. Planned Gift FOR REPRESENTATIVES' USE ONLY

2 Focusing on The Desjardins Insurance Planned Gift A DIFFERENT WAY TO GIVE… 2/7 FOR REPRESENTATIVES' USE ONLY

3 Increased fund-raising efficiency Actual trend: fund-raising annual campaign, money donation –Result: tributary of people's generosity and economic conditions Ideal: Planned gift program –Result: guarantees the foundation's survival 3/7 FOR REPRESENTATIVES' USE ONLY

4 Planned gift programs Testamentary donation –Donation of real estate, personal goods, art piece, shares, RRSP or RRIF, life insurance proceeds. Charitable gift annuities 4/7 FOR REPRESENTATIVES' USE ONLY

5 Life Insurance gift Two possibilities to obtain a tax credit: –Today (Tax credit on premiums paid) OR –At Death (Tax credit on life insurance proceeds) 5/7 FOR REPRESENTATIVES' USE ONLY Planned Gift

6 Planned Gift - Characteristics The charitable organization is named policyowner and beneficiary of the life insurance policy. The donor (insured person) pays the premiums. The premiums paid, considered a charitable donation, provide interesting annual tax credits for the donor. When the insured donor dies, the charitable organization receives the insurance proceeds. 6/7 FOR REPRESENTATIVES' USE ONLY

7 Planned Gift - Characteristics (continuation) Whole Life: Wide choices of premium payment periods –Premiums payable for 10 years, 20 years or up to age 65 (donor's choice) Sum Insured: –From $10,000 to $7.5 million Payment method: –Preauthorized monthly debit –Annual billing (by check) 7/7 FOR REPRESENTATIVES' USE ONLY

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