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Caliphs of Islamic Empire Conquest, dynasties, and exansion.

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Presentation on theme: "Caliphs of Islamic Empire Conquest, dynasties, and exansion."— Presentation transcript:

1 Caliphs of Islamic Empire Conquest, dynasties, and exansion

2 Caliph  “successor to Muhammad”  Expanded territory of Islam

3 1 st Caliph  Muhammad dies in 632  Followers chose successor  Abu Bakr  1 st Caliph  Daughter was one of Muhammad’s wives  Friend of Muhammad

4 Arab Conquest  Islamic movement grew much during Abu Bakr’s reign  Romans expanding Italy, Muslims expanding Arabia  Conquest encouraged by Quran  Jihad=defensive warfare

5 Next Caliph  Abu Bakr died  No clear successors  Umar A-Khattah was 2 nd caliph  Assassinated  Uthmar was 3 rd caliph  Assassinated

6 Umayyads  Civil war  Supporters of Abu Bakr vs. supporters of Muawwiyyah  Muaw becomes caliph  Known for his virtue  “I never use my sword when my whip will do, nor my whip when my tongue will do”  Made office of caliph hereditary  Moved capital from Medina to Damascus  Beginning of Umayyad dynasty

7 Umayyad Dynasty  Conquest  Conquered people along Mediterranean coast of northern Africa  Soldiers scene as ideal citizens  Those defeated kept land but paid rent to Muslims  Attempted attack on Constantinople to defeat Byzantine Empire  Muslims lost  Uneasiness would continue between 2 empires

8 Split in Islam  Revolt  Shiite Muslims  Muhammad appointed successor  'Ali ibn Abi Talib, husband of the Prophet's daughter Fatimah  Believe in free will  Sunni Muslims  Follow hadiths (teachings to go along with Quran)  Believe Muhammad appointed no successor  Abu Bakr, father of the Prophet's favored wife, 'A'ishah (elected by people of Medina)  Believe human actions are controlled by Allah’s will  Majority in Muslim world today

9 Abbasid Dynasty  750-Abu al-Abbas (descendant of Muhammad’s uncle) overthrew Umayyad dynasty  Built new capital city at Bagdad  All Muslims could hold both civil and military office  Haran al-Rashid  Best known of caliphs  “Golden Age of Abbasid dynasty”  Known for his charity  Supported artists and writers

10 Abbasid Dynasty

11 Same Problems  Fighting over successor  Harun al-Rashid’s sons fought to succeed him  Almost destroyed city of Bagdad  Vast wealth led to financial corruption  Shortage of qualified Arabs for key positions  Recruited Persians and Turks  Rulers of provinces broke away and formed independent dynasties

12 Seljuk Turks  Converted to Islam  Prospered as soldiers during Abbasid dynasty  Moved in on Arab empire  1055 took over Bagdad  Sultan “holder of power”

13 Mongols  Led by Genghis Khan  Advanced across Asia and Middle East  Destroyed everything in their path  Reached Red Sea  Eventually converted to Islam and intermarried with local peoples  End of great Arab Empire

14 Review:  Another name for a successor of Muhammad is:  1. Umayyad  2. Mosque  3. Caliph  4. Shiite

15 Review:  What are the two major sects of Islam?  1. Abbasid and Umayyad  2. Sunni and Shiite  3. Abu Bakr and Muaw  4. Muhammadism and Muslim

16 Review:  Which Islamic Dynasty would have experienced a “golden age”? (Remember, a golden age is a time with great intellectual, artistic, and societal achievements –Athens during Pericles’ reign)  1. Muhammad  2. Umayyad  3. Seljuk Turks  4. Abbasid

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