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CAE Warning Related Challenges Mike Cammarata SOO NWS Columbia, SC.

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Presentation on theme: "CAE Warning Related Challenges Mike Cammarata SOO NWS Columbia, SC."— Presentation transcript:

1 CAE Warning Related Challenges Mike Cammarata SOO NWS Columbia, SC

2 Severe Weather Challenges ► TS Tornadoes ► Pulse Storms ► Squall Lines (downbursts, tornadoes)

3 TS Tornadoes ► Biggest Tornado outbreaks associated with TS’s ► Mini-supercells ► Low LFC ► Vr of 25-30 kts produce tornadoes ► Lower scans important ► Rapid scans important ► High resolution velocity data important ► Algorithms important

4 Pulse Storms ► Can be daily occurrence in June/July ► Analysis of Storm cores (cross-sections, all tilts etc.) ► Severe Thresholds can change on a daily basis as the sounding changes ► Adjacent radars very important

5 Squall Lines ► Downbursts (MARC, RIJ) ► Tornadoes along gust front and comma head ► Tornadoes can form and dissipate between scans (rapid scans, low elevations, high resolution velocity data important)

6 Current Needs ► GIS ► Ground Truth Software System ► Enhanced networking of radar system ► No edit Warning Software ► Enhanced Visualization Capability ► Continue improving Algorithms ► Training (retention) is becoming a challenge ► Easy/Transparent/Auto Archiving

7 GIS ► Comprehensive integration of GIS capabilities into data display (street and building level)  Heavy Rainfall over steep urban topography  Tornado heading for School  Excessive precipitation over basin where small dam is located  Frequent lightning over State Park ► Current practice includes looking at separate maps and calling up mapping software on a PC

8 GIS ► Comprehensive Integration of GIS into Ground Truth Software System  Retrospectively in near real time look at where severe weather signatures passed and display ground truth sources and phone numbers (e.g., spotters, businesses) ► Combined with communications, logging and product formatting capabilities will greatly expedite the collection of ground truth for Warning Decision making, verification, and storm reports (LSR’s, PNS, etc.)

9 GIS ► Integration of GIS into Warning Software  Used in storm location section  Used in locations in the warned area section ► Current warning software system does not do an acceptable job with these sections of the warning ….. often requires considerable editing

10 Ground Truth Software System ► Stand alone software system like D2D, GFE ► Integrates radar data, GIS, communications, logging, and product formatting  E.g., Display GIS data over which a high reflectivity core has passed that facilitates calls to sources of ground truth, automatically logs many of the details of the call, provides and efficient interface for manually logging the report and provides for quick generation of an LSR. ► Current practice for obtaining and logging ground truth is too fragmented, labor intensive, and time consuming

11 Enhanced Networking of Radar System ► Data display from multiple radars ► Capability for synchronized scans ► Compositing capabilities ► Include TDWR’s and other radars

12 No Edit Warning Software ► Warning software should be click and go with virtually never a need to edit ► GIS feeds “locations in the warned area include…” and “…current location of the storm…” ► Currently too much editing is required and consequently lead time lost

13 The Training Challenge ► The sheer volume of things to keep current on and the pace at which things are changing make training and retention a major challenge (software, hardware, security, safety, science, policy etc.) ► This is an organizational issue ► Manage change as a resource. Holistic approach.

14 Enhanced Visualization Capability

15 ► Easier to get at multi-dimensional data displays with ability to integrate non-radar data sources (e.g., thermal profile/Wet Bulb profile) ► Enhanced Cross-section capability ( 4-D Storm Cell Investigator)

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