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The Rapid Response Fund (RRF) of the Conflict Early Warning and Response Mechanism (CEWARN) of IGAD Capacity Building Programme May 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "The Rapid Response Fund (RRF) of the Conflict Early Warning and Response Mechanism (CEWARN) of IGAD Capacity Building Programme May 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Rapid Response Fund (RRF) of the Conflict Early Warning and Response Mechanism (CEWARN) of IGAD Capacity Building Programme May 2009

2 Contents 1.Background 2.Situation Analysis 3.Objectives and Approach 4.Next Steps

3 Contents 1.Background 2.Situation Analysis 3.Objectives and Approach 4.Next Steps

4 1.1 Introduction The managerial system for the implementation of the RRF has be established; comprising ToR for the RRF Steering Committee The Handbook defining Rules and Procedures for the RRF A comprehensive set of formats But the capacity to actually implement the Fund is still missing.

5 1.2 Capacity building Programme (CBP) A CBP is supposed to address this issue at two levels: a)Within the CEWARN Unit (at regional level) b)At the Member States’ level Elements of this programme: Capacity Building is geared towards a specific target scenario A four-year time horizon, divided into two phases of two years each Sensitivity to policy constraints, as well as to institutional and operational uncertainty Empowerment of CEWERUS Early focus on the acquisition of resources.

6 Contents 1.Background 2.Situation Analysis 3.Objectives and Approach 4.Next Steps

7 2.1 Targets “within 4 years, the RRF operates in 3 clusters. 5 national CEWERUs are active in approving and overseeing projects, as well as in constantly adjusting their policies and operational approaches. Within each country, 2-10 Local Peace Committees are active in conflict prevention, management and resolution and manage between 2-8 projects in parallel. Altogether, some 30 CPMR projects are implemented annually.” A capacity building programme should, therefore, be geared towards achieving the specific target.

8 2.2 Challenges/Constraints There are a number of challenges that need to be addressed in any capacity building effort. Policy constraints Institutional constraints Scarcity of relevant skills Uncertainty: the situation on the ground is constantly changing, as are the dominant themes and approaches in the respective policy debate. It is more than difficult to spell out three or five year programmes in much detail; rather, “plan as you go, but don’t lose sight of the big picture” will be the motto of most initiatives for capacity building in this field.

9 Contents 1.Background 2.Situation Analysis 3.Objectives and Approach 4. Next Steps

10 3.1 Objectives Against this background, a capacity building programme may be developed around the following objectives: Overall objective: within 4 years, build the required capacities among RRF stakeholders to implement the RRF according to the target scenario set out above. Mid-term objective: within 2 years, build the required capacity among RRF stakeholders for a less ambitious scenario (e.g. 3 fully active CEWERUS, two clusters, 3 LPCs per country fully active, altogether some 15 projects per year).

11 3.2 Results for the Mid-term Objective 1. Capacity building strategy that inter-alia addresses and potentially resolves policy and intuitional constraints is established and approved, both at regional level and by individual member states 2. In at least three member states, CEWERUs are active, empowered and capable of handling CPMR projects 3. In at least three member states, capacity building initiatives conducted by CEWERUs are fully operational 4. The CEWARN Unit is fully functional to address the wider target scenario 5. A discernible body of knowledge and a community of practice/institutional network are established as a basis for the further growth and development of pastoral CPMR.

12 3.3 Approach Key features of the capacity building programme design are: 1. Resources: an important first measure will be to expand the available resource base at the CEWARN Unit, both through hiring individual consultants as well as through establishing institutional collaboration. 2. CEWERU empowerment: The heads of CEWERUS together with the Head of the CEWARN Unit will form the Programme Steering Committee for the capacity building programme. 3. Horizontal learning: Rather than developing solutions top-down or with desk studies, data gathering and programme development will be driven horizontally; e.g. by study tours of the CEWERUs and Peace Committees to the various countries and the search for good practice. 4. Member state ownership through policy dialogue: national policy makers will participate in every step in the design and implementation of the capacity building programme in order to secure synchronisation with member state policies and institutional sustainability.

13 Contents 1.Background 2.Situation Analysis 3.Objectives and Approach 4.Next Steps

14 Contents 1.Background 2.Situation Analysis 3.Objectives and Approach 4.Next Steps

15 Next Steps Important next steps towards the launch of the RRF capacity building programme: 1. Hire a consultant to work alongside the CEWARN Director and the RRF Coordinator on this project 2. Hire consultants or any other capable institution to undertake a feasibility/scoping study and develop a proposal for a two-year project 3. Ask CEWERU Heads to make themselves available or designate focal points for capacity building within their CEWERU 4. As part of this feasibility study, develop questionnaires for self- assessment to be filled by all CEWERUS (and possibly LPC); use this as a baseline to measure progress in capacity development


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