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CSR and Sustainability Management: The New Normal Dr Donald Feaver Chief Technology Officer Branded Trust Assurance Systems

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Presentation on theme: "CSR and Sustainability Management: The New Normal Dr Donald Feaver Chief Technology Officer Branded Trust Assurance Systems"— Presentation transcript:

1 CSR and Sustainability Management: The New Normal Dr Donald Feaver Chief Technology Officer Branded Trust Assurance Systems

2 Overview Introduction Sustainability Management Responsible Supply-Chains – Due Diligence – Transparency The Cloud and Collaboration

3 CSR: The New Normal For Government and Regulation: Post Paris COP-21: The world and CSR changed in Paris recently - Governments have agreed to put in place new ‘social responsibility’ obligations - New government sustainability/emission reduction initiatives will become ‘normal’.

4 CSR: The New Normal For Business A new era in CSR is being already being adopted by pro-active business. The new normal is known as ‘sustainability management’. It is already delivering a win/win.

5 Sustainability Management Sustainability management= cost savings through a ‘Program’ focus – more efficient resource use (i.e., less consumption) – better coordination (people and materials) – higher productivity (human resource) – reduced transaction costs – better risk management The Sustainability (Program) Manager is the staff member trained-up to capture and maximize savings and revenue growth opportunities.

6 Program Focus: Business AreaPerformance Impact +$$ Internal/staff wellness, security and anti- corruption/integrity programs Productivity improvement Resource use/emission reduction programs Cost savings Stakeholder management and community programs Reputation and revenue increase Supply-chain due diligence and transparency Risk and transaction cost reduction

7 Sustainable Supply-Chains Due Diligence: know your supplier: are they reliable… or are they a CSR risk? did you make an effort to check? Who’s watching? NGO’s and the Media Consumers Regulators (public and private)

8 Sustainable Supply-Chains Due Diligence= interrogating your supplier’s social credentials this means asking the right questions. Who’s watching? BBC News reported this week: 80% of companies reporting under the US Dodd Frank law fell short in their due diligence enquiries

9 Sustainable Supply-Chains Transparency and Tracing

10 Sustainable Supply-Chains Transparency= more advanced disclosure of the source of your products and services this does not mean disclosing strategic information Tracing= using new technologies to track, trace and generate ‘chain of custody’ documentation- a quasi-warranty of product source and integrity

11 New Technology: Facilitation

12 Innovation: Collaboration The Cloud: provides new opportunities to collaborate and share information Collaboration: saves money and time= reduction in transaction costs Risk Reduction: sharing information amongst your supply-chain partners reduces RISK

13 Thank you

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