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3/10/14.  Students will be able to discuss and describe eight species of sea turtle.  Students will be able to explain threats to the sea turtle population.

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Presentation on theme: "3/10/14.  Students will be able to discuss and describe eight species of sea turtle.  Students will be able to explain threats to the sea turtle population."— Presentation transcript:

1 3/10/14

2  Students will be able to discuss and describe eight species of sea turtle.  Students will be able to explain threats to the sea turtle population.

3  Turtle: Any of various aquatic or terrestrial reptiles having horny toothless jaws and a bony or leathery shell into which the head, limbs, and tail can be withdrawn in most species.

4 Page 429 Sea Turtles: – There are eight species of sea turtles: 1. Green: Herbivorous, may weigh 300 lbs. 2. Hawksbill: Tropical, found on reefs, eats sea sponges. 3. Loggerhead: 150 – 400 lbs, lives at ship wrecks and reefs, eats mollusks, crabs and sponges. 4. Leatherback: Largest marine reptile, can weigh 2000 lbs. Travels 3100 miles from nesting to feeding grounds. Can dive 3300 ft. 5. Kemps Ridley: Small, lives in South Atlantic, the most endangered sea turtle.

5  Page 429  Sea Turtles: 6.Black Turtle: Lives in East Pacific. 7.Australian Flatback 8.Olive Ridley: The most abundant sea turtle.

6 GreenHawksbill

7 LoggerheadLeatherback

8 Kemps Ridley Black Pacific

9 Australian FlatbackOlive Ridley

10  Page 429  Sea Turtles: All sea turtles are endangered or threatened. All live in the ocean, but nest on land. Migratory: Sea turtles make long sea journeys of many thousand kms.  Sea turtles find their way around using internal compasses that are sensitive to Earth’s magnetic field.

11  Page 429  Sea Turtles: Female sea turtles lay 100+ eggs in a scooped out depression in sand, cover the eggs and return to sea. Sea turtles are easy prey for carnivores.  After eggs hatch, babies have to make their way across the beach to the ocean.  In the ocean sea turtles have to get past hungry fish.

12  Page 429  Sea Turtles:  All sea turtles are endangered. Major threats are loss of habitat and hunting.  Turtles are hunted for their meat, shells and oils.  Example: Leatherbacks: In 1980 90,000 females came ashore to lay eggs. In 2002 3000 – 5000 were counted ashore.

13  Page 430  Sea Turtles:  The US has banned the import and export of sea turtle products.  In 1987 the US required shrimp fishers to use Turtle Exclusion Devices (TEDs.).

14 TED v. no TED

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