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Features of Magazines. I.Magazine Features A. Cover.

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Presentation on theme: "Features of Magazines. I.Magazine Features A. Cover."— Presentation transcript:

1 Features of Magazines

2 I.Magazine Features A. Cover

3 I.Magazine Features A. Cover 1. The cover will have art that shows what the main article will be

4 I.Magazine Features A. Cover 1. The cover will have art that shows what the main article will be 2. The cover will have the title of the main article

5 I.Magazine Features A. Cover 1. The cover will have art that shows what the main article will be 2. The cover will have the title of the main article 3. It may also give the topics of other articles in the magazine

6 I.Magazine Features A. Cover 1. The cover will have art that shows what the main article will be 2. The cover will have the title of the main article 3. It may also give the topics of other articles in the magazine B. Contents Page

7 I.Magazine Features A. Cover 1. The cover will have art that shows what the main article will be 2. The cover will have the title of the main article 3. It may also give the topics of other articles in the magazine B. Contents Page 1. Tells you what articles are in the magazine and what pages they are on

8 2. Contents page is in the front of the magazine

9 2. The contents page is in the front of the magazine II. Magazine Article

10 2. The contents page is in the front of the magazine II. Magazine Article A. Title 1. Titles are written in a way to get the reader’s attention. 2. They may not give all the important information.

11 2. The contents page is in the front of the magazine II. Magazine Article A. Title 1. Titles are written in a way to get the reader’s attention. 2. They may not give all the important information. B. Subtitle 1. This is a second title that gives more information about the article

12 2. The author’s name may be near the subtitle.

13 C. Headings

14 2. The author’s name may be near the subtitle. C. Headings 1. Headings are words or phrases that break up the article into sections

15 2. The author’s name may be near the subtitle. C. Headings 1. Headings are words or phrases that break up the article into sections 2. Headings are often in different sizes or colors so that they stick out.

16 2. The author’s name may be near the subtitle. C. Headings 1. Headings are words or phrases that break up the article into sections 2. Headings are often in different sizes or colors so that they stick out. D. Illustrations 1. drawings, maps, photos or charts that help you understand something from the article

17 E. Captions 1. Captions are short explanations of the illustrations.

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