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CREDIT RECOVERY!!!. What is Credit Recovery?  Credit Recovery is  An optional assignment  An opportunity to boost your grade  A project that will.

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Presentation on theme: "CREDIT RECOVERY!!!. What is Credit Recovery?  Credit Recovery is  An optional assignment  An opportunity to boost your grade  A project that will."— Presentation transcript:


2 What is Credit Recovery?  Credit Recovery is  An optional assignment  An opportunity to boost your grade  A project that will require you to read, think, write, and be creative  A chance you shouldn’t throw away

3 What do I have to do? – Step I  Find a magazine that you either  Enjoy reading  Really interests you  Looks like it could interest you  Don’t just find one laying around the house  Must be a more current issue Within the past 6 months MAX  Must be something you find interesting

4 Step II  Read the magazine cover to cover  That includes EVERYTHING!!!!  You should highlight, underline, and take notes on the individual articles  This will help you later

5 Step III  You are to write an analysis on the main article/cover article  This means you need to say something about the article You’re topics are open Some questions to think about: How did you react when reading it? Do you agree or disagree? What did the article make you think? However, you should be referring back to the text when you write this analysis. 1 Page in Length

6 Step IV  Then you will write summaries about the other articles.  Obviously some magazines are bigger than others You must have at least 6.  The summaries should be  About a paragraph in length  May vary (depends on the story)  Include all the most important names, places, plot points, themes, etc.

7 Step V  Poster Board  You must create a Poster Board to accompany all of the written elements.  Your Poster Board should include The Title of the Magazine The Cover All of your summaries and analysis Pictures/Titles/Captions from the articles.

8 Step VI  You must turn this in by Monday, May 6 th  That gives you 2 Weeks to complete this assignment  I will keep a countdown visible on the back White Board

9 Example

10 Percentages  If you have an A  You can receive 2 percentage points  If you have a B  You can receive 4 percentage points  If you have a C  You can receive 6 percentage points  If you have a D  You can receive 8 percentage points  If you have a F  You can receive 10 percentage points

11 Additional Info  Late Work  It will not be accepted for any other reason than if you are absent on May 6 th and you have a reinstatement.  The amount of percentage your grade will benefit depends on what your grade is when you turn in the assignment.

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