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American High School provides a learning environment that challenges students to reach their academic, civic, and social potential in a diverse community.

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Presentation on theme: "American High School provides a learning environment that challenges students to reach their academic, civic, and social potential in a diverse community."— Presentation transcript:

1 American High School provides a learning environment that challenges students to reach their academic, civic, and social potential in a diverse community so they may become participating and cooperative members of society. American High School 9 th grade presentation 2013

2 What is expected on MAZE day… MAZE is a critical part of the beginning of the year. This year, we will be offering ONLINE REGISTRATION In August, you will receive a flyer and an emergency card only At MAZE day students will sign up for clubs/activities, take school photos, pick out a locker, purchase locks, ASB cards, Yearbooks, Eagle Planners, and receive their class schedules

3 Activities on Campus Over 60 different clubs Dances ASB Spirit Week Tutoring (After School) Sports (GPA requirements 2.0) Drama Productions (GPA requirements 2.0)

4 American High School Athletics FallWinterSpring FootballBasketballBadminton Cross-CountrySoccerBaseball WrestlingGolf Tennis (Girls)Softball Volleyball (Girls)Swimming Water PoloTennis (Boys) Cheerleading (all year) Track & Field Volleyball (Boys)

5 4 Cs of earning your High School Diploma: »Classes »Credits »CAHSEE (English & Math) »(Community) Service Learning

6 Required Subjects for Graduation English …………………………………………………………….. 40 Math ………………………………………………………………… 30 Science ……………………………………………………………. 20 Social Science ………………………………………………….. 30 Fine Arts/ World Language.……………………………….. 10 PE ……………………………………………………………………. 20 Health ………………………………………………………………. 5 Comp Ops/Geography/Media Arts - IT……………………. 5 Electives…………………………………………………………… 70 Total………………………………………………………………… 230

7 American High School Graduation Requirements 230 Units 5 Credits = 1 semester class F grade = not passing zero credits earned 60 credits = 1 year of classes Algebra 1 California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE) 40 Service Hours

8 College Prep Requirements California State Universities University of California Private Institution

9 A-G course requirements for the University of California Class NameRequirementsRecommendation English4 Years Math3 Years4 Lab Science (Bio & Chem) 2 Years3 World Language2 Years3 Social Science2 Years Visual & Performing Arts 1 Year College Prep Elective1 Year2 years for UC

10 Honors & AP pre-requisites Honors: Gate Identified Enrolled in honors courses in junior high. Scored advanced on CSTs/STAR test in subject of interest Score “A” or “B” in the previous subject course (prior year) Advanced Placement: Anyone may take an AP course Teacher recommendation Must meet prerequisite for the class of interest.

11 Colleges encourage you to do more than just study… Get involved in school activities Get involved in community activities Keep track of awards and honors your receive Make it a priority to be WELL ROUNDED! Have a great summer…. We look forward to seeing you next year!

12 American High School Web Site: School Loop Email addresses of all AHS staff Naviance Counseling Department, Library and Sports information Eagle Handbook Daily Bulletin Links to student activities



15 College (Generic Template)










25 Specialized programs & trade schools


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