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Administration and IT CPD Presentation Understanding Unit Assessment National 3, 4 and 5.

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2 Administration and IT CPD Presentation

3 Understanding Unit Assessment National 3, 4 and 5

4 Programme  Structure and content of Unit Assessment Support Pack (UASP)  National standards  Applying the Standards to Candidate work

5 Structure and Content of UASP Basics:  All UASPs follow the same template: –Introduction –What this pack covers –Assessment –Evidence –Re-assessment arrangements –Examples of recording documentation –Appendix 1: Assessment for candidates

6 IT Solutions for Administrators (National 3) - Package 2

7 National Standards Achievement of a Unit requires candidates to demonstrate achievement of all Assessment Standards. If you are using a UASP without any alterations this means that the candidate must generate evidence for all required skills in the task.

8 National Standards  Assessors can adapt any SQA produced UASP. For example in the UASP for IT Solutions for Administrators (National 4) there are two suggested edits for Assessment Standard 1.1 In addition to wrapping text and bordering a cell, the efile and task could be amended asking the candidate to also: –delete a column or row, –format certain cells to currency, 0 decimal places. This would provide 4 edits, the candidate must then get 2 correct in order to achieve the Assessment Standard.

9 National Standards  Error Tolerances : National 3: 1 every 0 - 10 words National 4: 1 every 0 - 15 words National 5: 1 every 0 - 20 words  Typos do not include key pieces of information that would render the document not fit for purpose for example: typed date of event 12 Nov rather than 21 Nov – task not achieved.  Spacing errors, ref and date wrong, paragraphs in wrong place, line spacing not consistent – count as errors. If errors are over the tolerance – task not achieved. Error tolerances are not flagged. Total words are counted and divided by the error tolerance for that level.

10 National Standards  Print Instructions: If printing instructions are not part of an Assessment Standard and a candidate fails to print according to the task this would not fail them.

11 National Standards  Re-assessment: –If a candidate fails only 1 Outcome or even 1 Assessment Standard within an assessment they can be re-assessed on that specific Outcome or Assessment Standard only –If a candidate hands in a piece of work which is obviously not correct you can ask them to re-check it before you make your assessment judgement. –Specific feedback should not be given. For example: “the margins are wrong or the IF formula does not work”.

12 Added Value Unit  Should be assessed and ‘marked’ just like the other Units.  This assessment does have a time limit – no more than 8 hours.

13 Key Messages Report

14 National 4 and 5 Administrative Practices

15 National Standards  Theory – content & command word  H&S and Security –at N4 it is the employee’s responsibilities

16 Common Issues  Theory – content & command word  H&S and Security – at N5 it is the organisation’s responsibilities

17 National 5 Communication

18 Common Issues  Theory  Communication N5 – assessment standard 1.2 & 1.3:

19 For further information please visit:  CfE  Principles & Guidelines  Quality Assurance & Verification  New Quality Assurance Model Further Information

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