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English 200 Tuesday, 2-10-15 through Friday, 2-13-15 Tuesday 2-10-15 Active Reading Day – Use the active reading handout From The New England Primer and.

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Presentation on theme: "English 200 Tuesday, 2-10-15 through Friday, 2-13-15 Tuesday 2-10-15 Active Reading Day – Use the active reading handout From The New England Primer and."— Presentation transcript:

1 English 200 Tuesday, 2-10-15 through Friday, 2-13-15 Tuesday 2-10-15 Active Reading Day – Use the active reading handout From The New England Primer and Mary Wollstonecraft, pp. 32- 45 REMOVE DISTRACTIONS – FOCUS ON READING – TAKE GOOD NOTES

2 English 200 Tuesday, 2-10-15 through Friday, 2-13-15 Research Essay #1 Identify an issue in education Make a Claim and then Support Claim You must use 5 Different Sources (Readings and Quotes; Additional Sources) Use appropriate documentation (internal citations and List of Sources)

3 English 200 Tuesday, 2-10-15 through Friday, 2-13-15 Wednesday 2-11-15 Quiz – Primer and Wollstonecraft Library tomorrow - Precis due at the end of the period

4 English 200 Tuesday, 2-10-15 through Friday, 2-13-15 Wednesday 2-11-15 Reading Quiz 1.Describe the primary subject matter of the New England Primer. 2.Character the relationship between religion and education as depicted in the New England Primer. 3.What, do you think, might have been the purpose of the illustrated alphabet? 4.Describe the social context in which Mary Wollstonecraft wrote. 5.What major innovation did Wollstonecraft present regarding education?

5 English 200 Tuesday, 2-10-15 through Friday, 2-13-15 Chart From The New England Primer “No distinction between religious education and secular education informs the pages of The New England Primer” (32).


7 English 200 Tuesday, 2-10-15 through Friday, 2-13-15 Mary Wollstonecraft, On National Education “One of the first writers in England to advocate for full political, social, and economic equality for women” (35). “Wollstonecraft’s solution was as simple as it was unthinkable to many of her contemporaries: educate men and women in the same schools” (35).

8 English 200 Tuesday, 2-10-15 through Friday, 2-13-15 Mary Wollstonecraft, On National Education She argued for equal opportunity for gender as well as for class “So convinced am I of this truth, that I will venture to predict that virtue will never prevail in society till virtues of both sexes are founded upon reason; and till the affections common to both are allowed to gain their due strength by the discharge of their mutual duties” (36).

9 English 200 Tuesday, 2-10-15 through Friday, 2-13-15 Mary Wollstonecraft, On National Education “Society can only be happy and free in proportion as it is virtuous; but the present distinctions, established in society, corrode all private, and blast all public virtue” (40).

10 English 200 Tuesday, 2-3-15 through Friday, 2-6-15 Thursday, 2-12-15 Precis – a concise summary of essential points, statements, or facts. Should include: 1.A description of the context of the article 2.Who the author is and why he is important 3.A summary of the article (at least five sentences ) Who is the author of the text? What was the work’s original purpose? What cultural factors might have influenced the work? What are some of the author’s major concerns? What larger conversation is this text a part of? What are the primary points the authors makes in the writing?

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