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————Preposition + 关系代词 定语从句  The professor about whom we are talking will give us a lecture on school education.  The professor __________________.

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2 ————Preposition + 关系代词 定语从句

3  The professor about whom we are talking will give us a lecture on school education.  The professor __________________ we are talking about will give us a lecture on school education. (that / who / whom) __________________________ _________ ___________________________ __________________________ about

4  It is a topic in which we’ll take great interest.  It is a topic ____________ we’ll take great interest in. ______________________________ ___________ ______________________________ ______________________ 介词+ whom 指人 介词+ which 指物 (that / which) in

5 Point 1: 介词的选用 考虑两个因素 1. 定语从句中先行词的搭配习惯 I never forget the days during which I studied hard. I never forget the day on which I went to college. I never forget the year in which I went to college. days day year

6 Point 1: 介词的选用 2. 定语从句中谓语动词的搭配习惯 Have you found the book for which I paid $10? Have you found the book on which I spent $10? Have you found the book about which she often talks? paid spent talks

7 Exercises 1.The man ________I shook hands just now is my son’s English teacher. 2.A desert is a great plain _______ nothing will grow. 3.He was the man ______________ the thief had stolen the bag.( 从他房间里 ) 4.This is my pair of glasses, __________ I cannot see clearly. 5.The girl ________ he spoke didn’t answer. with whom in which/where from whose room without which to whom

8 提示: 介词后的关系代词只 有 whom, which, whose ,不 能用 that 。

9 * 如果介词与其前面的动词是固 定搭配的动词短语,介词一般 不可前置。 Examples: Tips

10 Bob found the dictionary. I had been looking for it. Bob found the dictionary (that) I had been looking for. This is the boy whom she has taken care of. This is the boy. She has taken care of him.

11 Point 2 at/in/on/during/for which 等与 when 、 where 、 whose 或 why 转换 关系副词:在句中作状语 关系副词 = 介词 + 关系代词 why=for which where=in/ at/ on/... which ( 介词同先行词搭配 ) when=during/ on/ in/... which ( 介词同先行词搭配 ) 先行词指物时, whose= the + n. of which

12 at/in/on/during/for which 等与 when 、 where 、 whose 或 why 转换  May 1st is the day I was born.  May 1st is the date I will never forget. when/on which which/that on the day the day 时间状语 宾语

13 Whose 即可以指代人,也可以代 物。 先行词指人时可以换作 the + n. of which Please pass me the book. The cover of the book is red. = Please pass me the book whose cover is red. = Please pass me the book, the cover of which is red. = Please pass me the book, of which the cover is red.

14 1. I don’t believe the reason _________________ he was late for school. I don’t believe the reason _______________ he gave me. why/for which which / that Exercises

15 2. The novel ____________ was broken belongs to me. The novel _________ the cover was broken belongs to me. whose cover of which

16 3. I want a room, the window of which faces the south. I want a room _______________ faces the south. 4. The city in which an earthquake happened drew the world’s attention. The city _________ an earthquake happened drew the world’s attention. Exercises where whose window

17 1. That is the day ____________ must be remembered. That is the day ____________ he will never forget. That is the day ________ he went to college. which / that when Point 3: 先行词是 the day , the city 或者 sb. 等时 用 which/that/who 还是 when/ where /whose

18 2. He is the professor ______ was named Jackson. He is the professor __________ name was Jackson. who whose

19 3. This is the place _______ he used to live. This is the place ______________ he visited before. where which / that

20 4. We stayed at the Grand Hotel, _____ Ann recommended to us. A. where B. which C. that D. when 5. The English play ___my students acted at the New Year’s party was great success. A. for which B. at which C. in which D. on which

21 Point 4: 根据理解用 where/when 引导的定语从句 1. I work in a business ____ almost everyone is waiting for a great chance. A. how B. which C. where D. that

22 2. We are living in an age ____ many things are done on computer. A. which B. that C. whose D. when 3. Can you think of a situation where the idiom can be used? Point 4: 根据理解用 where/when 引导的定语从句

23 Point 5: 补充要点 ①逗号不可以连接两个句子 ②特殊的词: the way

24 逗号不可以连接两个句子 不定代词 / 数词 / 名词 + 介词 +which /whom + 从句 She has three sons, all of whom joined the army. She has three sons, two of whom were engineers. I want a room, the window of which faces the south.

25 ① I picked up the apples, ________________ were bad. I picked up the apples. ________________ were bad. I picked up the apples and / but _______________ were bad. some of which Some of them some of them

26 The way ② I don’t like the way in which he speaks to his mother. I don’t like the way that he speaks to his mother. I don’t like the way he speaks to his mother.

27 操练 The girl _____ whom he had fought all his life no longer seemed important to him. He is the man _____ whom I think you can depend. 1 、看定语从句中动词与介词的搭配 for on

28 2 、看定语从句中形容词与介词的搭配 He referred me to some reference books ______ which I am not very familiar. Dolphins might be trained to cooperate with fishermen and help them by finding or even catching fish, ______ all of which activities dolphins are expert. with in

29 3 、根据先行次判断,所用的介词与先行词 搭配 The rate ______ which wild animals are being destroyed has increased. This is our classroom,_______________ which there is a teacher’s desk. at in the front of

30 Fill in the blanks with proper prepositions 1. The sun gives us heat and light, ________ which we can’t live. 2. The student __________ whom we were talking just now is the best student in our class. 3. I’ll never forget the day _____ which she said good-bye to me. 4. Is that the newspaper _____which you often write articles? 5. 1949 was the year ____which the P.R.C. was founded. without about / to on in

31  介词加关系代词的基本用法 The man __________ you shook hands just now is our headmaster. The room __________ my family live used to be a garage. Did you find the pen _________ I wrote just now? Did you find the paper ________ I wrote my letter? Did you find the composition ______ I wrote just now? with whom in which with which on which which

32 The farm we worked ten years ago isn’t what it used to be. He is the man you can turn for help. This is the tree we used to play games. on which to whom under which

33 I’ll never forget the day __________ she said goodbye to me. Who can give me the reason ________ he hasn’t turned up yet? on which for which

34 The teacher______ ______ I learnt most was Mrs Zhu. This is the house____ ______ LuXun once lived. The reason _____ ______ I came here is that I want to get your help. The fellow ___ _____ I spoke made no answer. The West Lake,____ _______ Hangzhou is famous,is a beautiful place. from whom in which for which to whom for which

35 1.I’ll never forget the days______________ we worked together. 2.I’ll never forget the days ___________ we spent together. 3.I went to the place I worked ten years ago. 4.I went to the place _____________ I visited ten years ago. 5.This is the reason _____________________ he was late. 6.This is the reason _____________________ he gave. when /in which which where/ in which which why/ for which that/which 几种易混的情况 及物动词

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