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RDA: thinking globally, acting globally Gordon Dunsire Presented at International Developments in Library Linked Data: Think Globally, Act Globally – Part.

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Presentation on theme: "RDA: thinking globally, acting globally Gordon Dunsire Presented at International Developments in Library Linked Data: Think Globally, Act Globally – Part."— Presentation transcript:

1 RDA: thinking globally, acting globally Gordon Dunsire Presented at International Developments in Library Linked Data: Think Globally, Act Globally – Part Two: an ALCTS Program, ALA Annual, Las Vegas, USA, 28 Jun 2014

2 Overview  Failure of top-down approach  RDA tools  Case: intended audience  Mapping the focus of description  Top-down, bottom-up issues

3 BibO: Bibliographic Ontology Confusing tongues? BIBFRAME: Bibliographic Framework Say what we mean CRM: Conceptual Reference Model DC: Dublin Core FR: Functional Requirements ISBD: International Standard Bibliographic Description MARC21 RDA: Resource Description and Access UNIMARC KOS++ Universal Bibliographic Control RDF Thinking globally Acting locally

4 For unFRBRized applications 30 million (partial) examples Links to other vocabularies Element set + Relationship designators

5 Globalizing RDA linked data Language-neutral URIs (immutable) Language-specific URIs (for developers) Language-specific labels and definitions (for humans)

6 Unconstrained versions Map of “Audience” umarc: m “adult, general” “adult, serious” pbcore: adult “adult” m21: e “adult” MPAA: NC-17? BBFC: 18? Element sets (schema) Value vocabularies (KOS) Broader/narrower/same? m21: “Target audience of …” m21: “Target audience” schema: “audience” dct: “audience” rdau: “Intended audience” isbd: “has note on use or audience” isbdu: “has note on use or audience” rdfs:subPropertyOf umarc: k bf: “Intended audience” frbrer: “has intended audience” rdaw: “Intended audience”

7 isbd: Resource bf: Work bf: Instance rda: Work rda: Expression rda: Manifestation rda: Item isbd:P1193 (has work aspect ) isbd:P1190 (has expression aspect ) isbd:P1192 (has manifestation aspect ) isbd:P1191 (has item aspect ) rdae:P20231 (has work expressed) rdai:P40049 (has manifestation exemplified) rdam:P30139 (has expression manifested) bf: instanceOf bf: expressionOf marc21: Resource ? Mapping entities

8 Top-down  Examine local schema  Identify the common elements  Create a common/global element set (RDF)  Refine the global element set to connect down (map) to specific local elements  Issues  Common elements may not cover the same space as local elements  Refinement not possible  Common elements have to be augmented  Favours the global over the local  Encourages a good-enough approach

9 Bottom-up  Publish the local schema(s) in RDF  Map local elements from different schema to lowest common (dumber) elements – add new elements if necessary  Continue until all local schema have been mapped  Issues  Multiplicity of RDF element sets  Frequent overlap and redundancy  Local management resources

10 Thank you!    Published RDA element sets   Published RDA value vocabularies  Vocabularies Vocabularies  Project: versions, issues, feedback

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