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Eat To Be Strong. Eat Healthy food It helps keep your body strong!!!!

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Presentation on theme: "Eat To Be Strong. Eat Healthy food It helps keep your body strong!!!!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Eat To Be Strong

2 Eat Healthy food It helps keep your body strong!!!!

3 Eat Well, Keep Moving! Eat from these five food groups every day 1)Grains 2)Vegetables 3)Fruits 4)Milk 5)Meat, Nuts, and Beans

4 Grains You can’t jump rope with pasta, But you can eat it! Name these other foods in the grain group.

5 Vegetables Vegetables are great for every part of your body. Name these vegetables.

6 Fruits Fruits are sweet, like candy. But they are much better for you. Name these Fruits.

7 Milk Drink your milk! Food made from milk is good for your bones. Name these foods made from milk.

8 Meats, Nuts, and Beans These foods help make your muscles strong. Name these two foods.


10 Healthy Choices

11 Is This a Healthy Dinner?

12 Choosing a Healthy Snack

13 Conclusion Stay Healthy by…….. Eating from the healthy five food groups Move More

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