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Chapter 14: Canadian Identity How have symbols and myths been used to promote nat. identity? Read some of the examples on p.322 about the importance Of.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 14: Canadian Identity How have symbols and myths been used to promote nat. identity? Read some of the examples on p.322 about the importance Of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 14: Canadian Identity How have symbols and myths been used to promote nat. identity? Read some of the examples on p.322 about the importance Of them in society. Can you list other symbols that promote Canadian identity?

2 According to the M. Renan, a nation is unified by two things: shared memories of the past and its people consent in the present- the desire to live together and affirm their heritage. Other people think that myths are based on lies that promote the dominance of one group over another.

3 Institutions and the promotion of nat. identity. The Monarchist League The Glenbow Museum The Dominion Institute p. 326 The Council of Canadians AFN and MNA

4 Pollsters and Think Tanks Ipsos Reid,COMPAS and the Strategic Council all try to provide a snap shots of Canadian’s view on particular issues. Read about the mock exam conducted by Ipsos Reid. The Fraser Institute- a right wing think tank The National Anti Poverty Org. Hudson Bay Company

5 How can Gov. Promote National identity? CBS NFB CRTC are all institutions that promote nat. consciousness and identity. P. 322 Why does the gov. help with funding museums and galleries? Is education fed. Or provincial responsibility? Schooling on the reserves. Katimvik program for youngster age 17-21. Canada World Youth p. 333

6 Programs promoting peace, order and good government France: Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite US: self-evident truths: - people’s right to equality, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Canada: to secure peace, order and good government.

7 The Mounties as the national pride of Canada Why do you think the RCMP’s Uniform has changed little since Its foundation in 1873? List at least Three reasons. Canada Customs and Revenue, Citizenship, and Immigration Canada Border Services Agency Figure 14-13 Look on p. 335 for examples of Canadian symbols on stamps Coins and bills.

8 The National Committee helps organize Canada Day. Promoting national unity: Jowi Taylor and his six string guitar. You and your backpack Are you proud to wear it or are you just as hesitant as me?

9 Musician and Artists How many of these artists can you Identify?

10 Athletes

11 The Greatest Canadians Check out p. 338 for the list of the greatest Canucks of all time. Do you agree? Do you think Don Cherry should be on it? Don Cherry

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