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The Future of the Welfare State Lesson Starter What problems is the welfare state facing and why?

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Presentation on theme: "The Future of the Welfare State Lesson Starter What problems is the welfare state facing and why?"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Future of the Welfare State Lesson Starter What problems is the welfare state facing and why?

2 The Future of the Welfare State Take detailed notes as we watch the program.

3 The Decision Making Task This question will be in the Health and Wealth section and is worth 10 marks. For this question, you must decide on an option to pick – option 1 or option 2. You must use evidence from the sources to justify your decision.

4 The Decision Making Task This question will be in the Health and Wealth section and is worth 10 marks. For this question, you must decide on an option to pick – option 1 or option 2. You must use evidence from the sources to justify your decision. There is enough evidence in the sources for you to choose either option. For full marks, you must also state why you did not choose the other option – to do this you simply give another reason to support the option you chose.

5 The Decision Making Task The best method to use is a report style answer: Recommendation I am an adviser to the UK government and have been asked to recommend whether or not to pay people to stop smoking. I choose option 1- extend the scheme which pays smokers to stop smoking.

6 The Decision Making Task The best method to use is a report style answer: Recommendation I am an adviser to the UK government and have been asked to recommend whether or not to pay people to stop smoking. I choose option 1- extend the scheme which pays smokers to stop smoking. Reasons to support Option 1 The first reason to support Option 1 is in Source 2. Source 2 tells us that the scheme has been very successful. The scheme was the most successful way of stopping smoking as it was 30%- this was compared to 25% with counselling. Therefore the scheme is a proven way of getting people to stop smoking.

7 The Decision Making Task Recommendation I am an adviser to the UK government and have been asked to recommend whether or not to pay people to stop smoking. I choose option 1- extend the scheme which pays smokers to stop smoking. Reasons to support Option 1 The first reason to support Option 1 is in Source 2. Source 2tells us that the scheme has been very successful. The scheme was the most successful way of stopping smoking as it was 30%- this was compared to 25% with counselling. Therefore the scheme is a proven way of getting people to stop smoking. Reasons for not recommending Option 2 I did not choose option 2 as it wouldn’t help the poorest families to buy food- this is stated in source 3 where it says the scheme will improve long term health.

8 The Decision Making Task The second reason to support my option is in source 1 where it says there 36,000 smokers in Dundee, half of which live in poverty. Therefore the scheme would be good as it gives people money to live off. The third reason is also from source 1 where it says smokers spend an average of £51 per week on cigarettes, this is quite a lot for those living in poverty. Therefore the scheme would help these people to give up and save money.

9 The Decision Making Task The best method to use is a report style answer: Recommendation I am an adviser to the UK government and have been asked to recommend whether or not to abolish prescription charges. I choose Option 1 – do not abolish prescription charges. Reasons to support Option 1 The first reason to support Option 1 is in Source 2. Source 2 tells us that elderly people and people on low incomes get free prescriptions already and that it would cost the government millions of pounds to give free prescriptions to people that can afford them anyway. This is one reason to support Option 1. Reasons for not recommending Option 2 I did not choose Option 2 because Source 3 tells us that the money that would be used to give everyone free prescriptions would be enough to build several new schools and hospitals. This is a reason why I did not choose Option 2.

10 2011 DME rs/papers/2011/Int2_Modern- Studies_all_2011.pdf rs/papers/2011/Int2_Modern- Studies_all_2011.pdf

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