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1 Administrivia CS444N, Spring 2002 Instructor: Mary Baker.

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1 1 Administrivia CS444N, Spring 2002 Instructor: Mary Baker

2 2 Course details 3 units Limited enrollment (entrance exam required) Register for class giving us email address Subscribe to class email list, please Auditors may be okay, we’re not sure yet Grades: 20% participation (readings), 30% exams, 50% project

3 3 People Mary Baker, –414 Gates –650-725-3711 –Office hours 2-4pm Fridays?? (Not quite sure yet.) Emre Kiciman –Office hours? Staff mailing list:

4 4 Projects Important, start early Teams of 3 to 5 people Looking for projects with certain characteristics: –Significance –Research component (lessons to learn) –Doable in a quarter –Demo’able –Interesting to you

5 5 Projects, continued April 16 th in-class project discussions A chance to propose projects and find people with similar interests Each person will propose at least one project that day and explain its significance and research components Some ideas on web page soon

6 6 Projects, continued By April 23 th –Everyone will have aligned with a project group –Each group will submit an email project proposal Demo day at end of quarter Projects with conference-submittable paper at end don’t need further write-up (and get extra points)

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