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A model for Regional Control Integrating History and Good Government.

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1 A model for Regional Control Integrating History and Good Government


3 Why regional control makes sense  tribal chiefs report to regional leaders  regional leaders reflect social make-up of larger group, more dedicated to the good of all and not to personal and familial relationships  can stop the feuding between tribal groups  best place to put money to solve specific problems like water, transportation, education  can counteract the influence of the Taliban with broad spectrum reforms  Historically based, has meaning in the history of Afghanistan, and National Govt. doesn ’ t.  tribal chiefs report to regional leaders  regional leaders reflect social make-up of larger group, more dedicated to the good of all and not to personal and familial relationships  can stop the feuding between tribal groups  best place to put money to solve specific problems like water, transportation, education  can counteract the influence of the Taliban with broad spectrum reforms  Historically based, has meaning in the history of Afghanistan, and National Govt. doesn ’ t.

4 Economics  We have shown the world how we have the knowledge and the power to establish large scale businesses that have worldwide distribution and whose benefits go to the local level. Our industrial base provides 35% of the GDP of the whole country. (NYT, Feb 4, 2007, Wrong model for Afghanistan)  Currently, regional leaders provide the majority of financing for small landholders (NYT, Feb 4, 2007, Wrong model for Afghanistan)  We have shown the world how we have the knowledge and the power to establish large scale businesses that have worldwide distribution and whose benefits go to the local level. Our industrial base provides 35% of the GDP of the whole country. (NYT, Feb 4, 2007, Wrong model for Afghanistan)  Currently, regional leaders provide the majority of financing for small landholders (NYT, Feb 4, 2007, Wrong model for Afghanistan)

5 Security  Our regional militias have reestablished order and security in a large portion of the country since the federal government was unable to do so since 2003. “ The US led military coalition and the UN security council refused to expand ” security beyond Kabul. “… US forces … are doing little if anything to address the insecurity experienced by ordinary Afghans. ” The US military is actually working with our militias.

6 Protection of Ethnic minorities  we are the best at representing the ethnic and religious groups that form the foundation of Afghan society

7 Hazara  in the mountains  remnants of the mighty mongols.  ¼ are descendants of Ghengis Kahn.  Persian speaking  Shiite

8 Pashtuns  Majority in many areas  Lived by Pashtunwali in past  Have begun to adapt to modern ways

9 Tajiks  Urban populations  Well educated  Make up much of the elite  Dedicated to helping organize a functioning government at all levels

10 Uzbeks  Small but important minority  Tied to historical links between countries  Would help control north, particularly oil fields, agricultural resources, and international trade routes

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