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MAP-IT! Review Meeting 5 March 2008 - Brussels Project Next Steps Cybion Srl.

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Presentation on theme: "MAP-IT! Review Meeting 5 March 2008 - Brussels Project Next Steps Cybion Srl."— Presentation transcript:

1 MAP-IT! Review Meeting 5 March 2008 - Brussels Project Next Steps Cybion Srl

2 5th March 2008 - Brussels MAP-IT! Review Meeting2 Workpackage flow WP1 Methodology definition WP2 Data Collection WP3 Mapping implementation WP4 Database and on-line tools WP5 Awareness Raising/workshops WP5 Awareness Raising/dissemination

3 5th March 2008 - Brussels MAP-IT! Review Meeting3 Workpackage flow WP1 Methodology definition WP2 Data Collection WP3 Mapping implementation WP4 Database and on-line tools WP5 Awareness Raising/workshops WP5 Awareness Raising/dissemination

4 5th March 2008 - Brussels MAP-IT! Review Meeting4 Task timetable: GANTT

5 5th March 2008 - Brussels MAP-IT! Review Meeting5 Achievements overview Del #Del. NameDel dateStatus D3.2National Mapping ReportsT0+13Ongoing D3.3Consolidated Mapping ReportT0+13Ongoing D4.3Web Blog for dialogue creation and animationT0+13Ongoing D2.1Set of raw data to be analysed by the working groupsT0+15Ongoing D1.4 Report on the workshop and final event implementation T0+24Ongoing D4.1Database (CD Rom)T0+24Ongoing D5.2Final Event OrganisationT0+24Not started D5.4Blog Launch ReportT0+24Not started

6 5th March 2008 - Brussels MAP-IT! Review Meeting6 Data Collection WP2 Ongoing Remaining work to be done Task 2.3 Questionnaires distribution –Quest. distribution (started in January ) –Errors analysis and questionnaires redistribution –Follow up actions on target players: phone calls, visits, events participation, etc. –Database population

7 5th March 2008 - Brussels MAP-IT! Review Meeting7 Knowledge mapping WP3 Ongoing Remaining work to be done Task 3.2 Mapping Excellence –Planning and organisation of subsequent meetings with detailed agenda definition –Organisation of the 2nd meeting of the two working groups: first analysis of questionnaires; definition of research target areas according to environmental analysis –Distribution of working group meetings minutes –Organisation of the 2nd meeting of the expert panels: analysis of first results from questionnaire, analysis of results from environmental analysis, first identification of potential common convergent priority areas

8 5th March 2008 - Brussels MAP-IT! Review Meeting8 Knowledge mapping WP3 Ongoing Remaining work to be done Task 3.2 Mapping Excellence cont’d –Organisation of 3rd Expert panels meeting : final definition of target research areas and analysis of 50 ICT excellent players –Distribution of expert panels meetings minutes –Input structuring to national mapping reports Task 3.2/3.3 Mapping reports -Draft national mapping reports -Results consolidation and validation

9 5th March 2008 - Brussels MAP-IT! Review Meeting9 Database and webplatform creation WP4 Ongoing Remaining work to be done Task 4.1 a Database technical implementation - G eographic visualisation access to data Task 4.1 b Database population -Database on-line access to the public Task 4.3 Blog creation and launch - Technical implementation of blog platform

10 5th March 2008 - Brussels MAP-IT! Review Meeting10 WP5 Ongoing Remaining work to be done Task 5.2 Newsletter - Ongoing Task 5.3 Workshops – Completed Follow up on events – fidelisation through newsletters, alerts, blog Task 5.4 Dialogue Launch Dialogue launch through the blog section of the portal in june Dialogue refreshing and moderation on blog. Dissemination and awareness

11 5th March 2008 - Brussels MAP-IT! Review Meeting11 WP5 Ongoing Remaining work to be done Task 5.5 Final event Start organisation of final event: speakers and agenda confirmation, preparation of dissemination material (invitations, leaflets, posters, website announcements, etc.) Continue dissemination actions through website, newsletter, database and other communication tools/channels implemented Fidelise target MED ICT players to monitor and update mapping till the end of the project Dissemination and awareness

12 5th March 2008 - Brussels MAP-IT! Review Meeting12 MAP-IT! – MED IST Clustering -Informal communications among single partners in covered countries -Plan strategy for single access to database -Reciprocal invitation/participation in workshops -Contribution to newsletter

13 5th March 2008 - Brussels MAP-IT! Review Meeting13 MAP-IT! problems 1) Role change of the Tunisian Partner – MRSTDC - MESRST 2) Postponement of mapping results

14 5th March 2008 - Brussels MAP-IT! Review Meeting14 MAP-IT! Solutions - 1 Involvement of IST Tunisian contact point, M. Moez Jebara

15 5th March 2008 - Brussels MAP-IT! Review Meeting15 MAP-IT! Solutions - 2 Reschedule mapping activities to absorb delays

16 5th March 2008 - Brussels MAP-IT! Review Meeting16 MAP-IT! Changes in planning –Task 2.4 Questionnaire distribution to end at month 15 instead of month 10 –Task 3.2 Mapping excellence to end at month 16 instead of month 13 –Task 3.3 Drafting of mapping reports to end at month 17 instead of month13 –Task 4.3 Blog platform creation to end at month 16 –Task 5.4 Dialogue launch through blog to start at month17 instead of month 13

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