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And Review. Linear Regression Analysis We have been comparing the association between two quantitative variables: House Price and Size Burger Protein.

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Presentation on theme: "And Review. Linear Regression Analysis We have been comparing the association between two quantitative variables: House Price and Size Burger Protein."— Presentation transcript:

1 And Review

2 Linear Regression Analysis We have been comparing the association between two quantitative variables: House Price and Size Burger Protein and Fat Content Fuel Economy (miles per gallon) and horsepower

3 What We’ve Learned

4 What We Have Learned R is always between -1 and 1 Because of that, each predicted Y is fewer SDs away from its mean than the corresponding X was This is called “regression to the mean”

5 Residuals Residuals tell us how well a model works If we plot residuals against predicted values we look for a boring, random graph. If we see a pattern we must re-examine the data to see why.

6 Square the correlation coefficient This number tells us what fraction of the variation of the response is accounted for by the regression model It is a measure of how successful the regression is in linearly relating y to x. Example: Let’s relate the SIZE of a house to the PRICE of a house.

7 Example 90,000 square feet – the size of 50 average sized family homes

8 Just Checking… B) Is the correlation of Price and Size positive or negative? How do you know? Answer: It’s positive. The correlation and the slope have the same sign. A final price tag of 75 million dollars

9 Just Checking… 30 bedrooms and 20 bathrooms

10 Just Checking… You find that your house in Saratoga is worth $100,000 more than the regression model predicts. Should you be very surprised? Answer: No, the standard deviation of the residuals is 53.79 thousand dollars. We shouldn’t be surprised by any residual smaller than 2 standard deviations and a residual of $100,000 is less than 2*53,790 20-car garage, three swimming pools

11 The amenities don't finish there. Also constructed is an adult movie theater with a balcony, four fireplaces, a formal dining room that seats 30, all 23 full baths with full-sized Jacuzzis, 160 tripled paned windows and Brazilian mahogany French-style doors that alone cost $4 million. The banquet kitchen features two large commercial gas stoves, four commercial built-in refrigerators and a Japanese-style steakhouse island that seats 12.

12 R Squared But how big should R- Squared be? Data from scientific experiments: 80-90% Data from surveys – Much lower! 50-30% President of a financial services company reports that although his regressions give R-Squared below 2%, they are highly successful because those used by his competitors are much lower!

13 Homework on Residuals Pg 193, # 11, 23, 27, 33, 45

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