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DNA Structure & Function Notes Day I. Good Afternoon C Block Tuesday December 11th 2012 Please take out ALL of your Biology NOTES (Mitosis, CR, Photosynthesis)

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Presentation on theme: "DNA Structure & Function Notes Day I. Good Afternoon C Block Tuesday December 11th 2012 Please take out ALL of your Biology NOTES (Mitosis, CR, Photosynthesis)"— Presentation transcript:

1 DNA Structure & Function Notes Day I

2 Good Afternoon C Block Tuesday December 11th 2012 Please take out ALL of your Biology NOTES (Mitosis, CR, Photosynthesis) & 2 pieces of paper & a pencil *2nd Biology Review Session is TOMORROW afterschool from 2:45 PM – 3:30 PM **Last Day to turn in Paper Towels is THIS Friday **Final Day to turn in your bathroom passes is TUESDAY Dec 18th (PLEASE turn them in as early as possible)

3 Homework Qs Photosynthesis/CR Due on Thurs. Dec 6th 1. Describe the relationship between cellular respiration and photosynthesis. How are they interconnected? 2. Explain what the process of cellular respiration breaks down. 3. Describe 3 potential ENVIRONMENTAL factors that can disrupt or influence the process of photosynthesis. 4. Where does the process of CR occur within the cell?

4 Photosynthesis/CR Review Bellwork December 11th, 2012 1. Include the SUN, a plant or tree, water, oxygen, a human being, carbon dioxide, glucose (sugar) and energy Draw arrows showing the relationships between the reactants & products 2. Using the picture write out the word equations for Photosynthesis and CR?

5 30 Second Partner Share 1. Get up and find a partner at another table 2. Person 1 has 45 seconds to discuss with Person 2 what they know or have heard about DNA (Be as specific as possible) 3. After the 45 seconds is over, Person 2 now “summarizes” what Person 1 shared (30 seconds) 4. Repeat the process where Person 1 and Person 2 switch roles

6 DNA Anticipatory Qs Easel Groups 1. DNA is made up of 3 parts – predict what those parts might be. 2. Where is DNA contained within cells? 3. What type of information do you believe DNA contains ( be as specific as possible )? 4. How much of your genetic information do you believe you receive from each parent?

7 “DNA Structure” Video

8 Directions Please set up your notes Cornell style Title your notes: DNA Structure & Function Remember to include name, date and block Today is December 11th

9 DNA Structure & Function DNA= Deoxyribonucleic acid

10 The Components That Make Up DNA…. DNA (long molecule) made up of repeating units called Nucleotides Nucleotides are made up of 3 parts: 1. Phosphate Group 2. Simple Sugar (deoxyribose) 3. Nitrogen base The four Nucleotide BASES found in DNA are: Adenine (a Purine)Cytosine (a Pyrimidine) Guanine (a Purine)Thymine (a Pyrimidine)

11 The Shape of a Nucleotide DNA BACK BONE

12 Purine Bases Adenine & Guanine Purines are the larger of the two types of bases found in DNA.

13 Pyrimidine Bases Cytosine and Thymine are Pyrimidines. Like Purines, all Pyrimidine ring atoms lie in the same plane.

14 Please copy down picture of Sugar- Phosphate backbone

15 DNA consists of two associated polynucleotide strands that wind together in a helical fashion Thus DNA is called a DOUBLE HELIX STRUCTURE

16 Each base pair has a complimentary base pair (A=T & G=C) The amount of A is always equal to the amount of T; same with G & C The nitrogen bases hold together the two strands of DNA with weak hydrogen bonds The two strands are complementary together **A & T (Always Together) **C & G (Good Company)

17 Marshmallow DNA Activity Adenine – Green (2) Thymine – Yellow (3) Cytosine – Pink (2) Guanine – Orange (2) DNA Strand & Complimentary Strand activity **ATG **GCT **TAC

18 DNA Compliment Quick Practice (Half Sheet of Paper) Write out the complimentary strands for the following DNA segments: 1. A T G G T C A T C 2. C A C C G T A G C 3. T G G A C G T A T

19 DNA Replication Partner Check December 11th 1. Synthesize the complimentary DNA strand: TAC ATC CGG CTT ACA ACG ATC 2. Label the following structure: A. B. C.

20 DNA Replication Exit Slip December 11th 1. In DNA, Adenine bonds to (a.)____ and Guanine bonds to (b.)________. 2. DNA is a (c.)_______ helix. So, pair this strand of DNA with it’s partner: TAC GGT CCG Half a strand of DNA _____________ Matching partner strand (d.)

21 DNA Structure and Function Notes Summary At the bottom of your notes please respond to the following prompts in a paragraph. Explain your understanding of the structure of DNA. What are the pieces that make up DNA? What is it that DNA does for us and WHY is it such an important macromolecule?

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