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English-speaking Country Presentation 12 th Grade.

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1 English-speaking Country Presentation 12 th Grade

2 The Project After spending last bimester learning about various aspects of Great Britain and its culture, let’s turn our attention to the cultures of other English-speaking countries. Working in pairs, you will research and present a Powerpoint that includes an overview of the country and a discussion of two key aspects of that country or its culture. Your presentation should last 5-7 minutes.

3 Country Options Lesotho Namibia Nigeria New Zealand Singapore South Africa Trinidad and Tobago Uganda Zimbabwe Antigua and Barbuda Australia Bahamas Barbados Belize Canada Guyana Ireland Jamaica Kenya

4 Overview You are expected to give a basic overview of your country by including information about its: location population flag capitol city form of government and leader

5 Aspects You will also discuss 2 aspects of the country or its culture, covering topics such as: history literature countryside and nature sports major businesses technological advancements arts environmental concerns/sustainability efforts

6 Powerpoint Expectations Title Slide Country Overview (1-2 slides) Aspect #1 (at least 3 slides) Aspect #2 (at least 3 slides) Sources (1 slide) Each slide (except for Sources) must include at least 1 image.

7 Presentation Rubric Presentation 5.- Pronunciation does not impede communication (1 – 3 times). 3.- Pronunciation impedes communication (4 – 6 times). 2.- Pronunciation impedes communication (7 – 10 times). 0.- Pronunciation impedes communication (more than 10 times). Use of English Accuracy 5.- Accurate and appropriate use of grammatical forms and vocabulary (0 – 5 errors). 3. - 6 – 9 errors.. 1.- More than 10 grammatical and vocabulary errors. Fluency 5.- What is said is arranged logically, without hesitation, such that there is no impedance to communication. No use of notes, except only as reference to names and numbers. 3.- Some hesitation, but without impeding communication too much, or excessive use of notes, that impede the normal “flow” of the presentation. 2.- Some hesitation, but without impeding communication too much, and /or excessive use of notes, with more information that only numbers and names. 0.- What you say is not arranged logically, or with hesitation to such a degree that it impedes communication, and reading most of the time form FULL SENTENCES notes.

8 Presentation Rubric Visual Aids 5.- Use of visual aids enhances the presentation. Each slide includes at least one photo 3.- Use of visual aids only partially enhances the presentation. Not every slide has a photo 0.- Use of visual aids distracts from the presentation. No slide has a photo Content 5.- Presentation includes an overview of chosen country and two aspects of the country and culture 3.- One part is missing ( or not properly presented) in the presentation. 2.- Two parts are missing ( or not properly presented) in the presentation. 0.- All elements are missing ( or not properly presented) in the presentation. Length of Presentation 5.- Presentation is between 5 and 7 minutes total and each member presents the same amount 3.- Presentation is between 3 and 5 minutes total or the members spoke an even amount 1.- Presentation is less than 3 minutes total or one member spoke the entire time. Classwork 5.- Student shares work an even amount during class time. Uses English most of the time. 3.- Student does some share of the work during class. Uses English occasionally. 1.- Student does very little work during class. Hardly ever uses English.

9 Presentation Dates 12AB: Thursday, September 3 12CDE: Tuesday, September 1

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