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This document is the property of EADS CCR. It may not be communicated to any third parties and/or reproduced without the prior written consent of EADS.

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Presentation on theme: "This document is the property of EADS CCR. It may not be communicated to any third parties and/or reproduced without the prior written consent of EADS."— Presentation transcript:

1 This document is the property of EADS CCR. It may not be communicated to any third parties and/or reproduced without the prior written consent of EADS CCR and its content may not be disclosed.  EADS CCR 2006. DISCOGRID Kick-off meeting 13-14 mars 2006

2 This document is the property of EADS CCR. It may not be communicated to any third parties and/or reproduced without the prior written consent of EADS CCR and its content may not be disclosed.  EADS CCR 2006. BACKGROUND Used by several EADS business units Run mainly on cluster type resources Follow an SPMD programming model Use MPI Use intensively the disks for computing Software for Acoustics & Electromagnetism Single components

3 This document is the property of EADS CCR. It may not be communicated to any third parties and/or reproduced without the prior written consent of EADS CCR and its content may not be disclosed.  EADS CCR 2006. BACKGROUND Grid is used mainly for: Distributing multiple tasks (master/slave model)Distributing multiple tasks (master/slave model) Enabling multi-physic simulationsEnabling multi-physic simulations Experience gained in: DAMIEN (EC)DAMIEN (EC) CASPER (RNTL)CASPER (RNTL) SIMDAT (EC)SIMDAT (EC) Try to rely on standards as much as possible due to industrialization (integration). What about GRID computing

4 This document is the property of EADS CCR. It may not be communicated to any third parties and/or reproduced without the prior written consent of EADS CCR and its content may not be disclosed.  EADS CCR 2006. SIMDAT: Overview of Aerospace Scenario 1.A Design Service to generate the DoE 2.A Geometry Service to produce instances of the wing’s geometry 3.An Aerodynamics service in order to compute the air flow over the geometry under consideration and output noise sources as well as forces of interest (e.g. lift, drag) 4.An Acoustics Service that takes the noise sources produces from the aerodynamics service and propagates the noise Optimise the positioning of wing’s high lift device. The current work has focused on running a candidate set of designs from a Design of Experiments (DoE). The scenario involves:

5 This document is the property of EADS CCR. It may not be communicated to any third parties and/or reproduced without the prior written consent of EADS CCR and its content may not be disclosed.  EADS CCR 2006. Overview of Aerospace Scenario (cont.) Consider design of high lift system for the clean wing Analyse aero performance Analyse acoustic performance

6 This document is the property of EADS CCR. It may not be communicated to any third parties and/or reproduced without the prior written consent of EADS CCR and its content may not be disclosed.  EADS CCR 2006. Overview of Aerospace Scenario (cont.) Based on Web Services and GRIA framework

7 This document is the property of EADS CCR. It may not be communicated to any third parties and/or reproduced without the prior written consent of EADS CCR and its content may not be disclosed.  EADS CCR 2006. Older experiences include: Work on distribution with CORBA (PARIS project)Work on distribution with CORBA (PARIS project) Tests with ProActive (OASIS team)Tests with ProActive (OASIS team) Main work dealt with the encapsulation of parallel software Other GRID experiences

8 This document is the property of EADS CCR. It may not be communicated to any third parties and/or reproduced without the prior written consent of EADS CCR and its content may not be disclosed.  EADS CCR 2006. Main problems deal: With data distribution & data managementWith data distribution & data management Brokering of resources (i.e. workflows)Brokering of resources (i.e. workflows) SecuritySecurity Lesson learnt

9 This document is the property of EADS CCR. It may not be communicated to any third parties and/or reproduced without the prior written consent of EADS CCR and its content may not be disclosed.  EADS CCR 2006. 6 mm per year (over 3 years) Probably more suitable for a trainee + engineers time each year 1- Will first study the different technologies available today 2- Will perform a gap analysis compared as a target for some application (to be defined) 3- Will provide inputs/requirements 4- Will evaluate one (several ?) technologies Participation in the project

10 This document is the property of EADS CCR. It may not be communicated to any third parties and/or reproduced without the prior written consent of EADS CCR and its content may not be disclosed.  EADS CCR 2006. Questions ?

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