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In Plastics Additives & Concentrates Market Leveraging Social Media.

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Presentation on theme: "In Plastics Additives & Concentrates Market Leveraging Social Media."— Presentation transcript:

1 In Plastics Additives & Concentrates Market Leveraging Social Media

2 2 Social Media for Industrial Products Converting chit chat into cash flow Summary What is Social Media? OMG did I really post that… Drowning in Media So many choices so little budget Top Trends In Social Media The top 10 trends targeted for 2012 and beyond Applying Social Media To Plastics Additives What can I get out of this Points to Cover Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Item 4 Item 5

3 3 Eric Albee, President/CEO of AFI Global Who Am I Started AFI on folding table in the basement, and currently run the fastest growing privately held company in the plastics additives industry. 2010 - #205 on Inc. 500 list 2011 - #214 on Inc. 500 list One key to success: Social Media Started and moderate Plastics Additives & Concentrates group on LinkedIn

4 4 What is Social Media? Officially, social media is “a group of internet-based applications that build on the ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0 and that allow the creation and exchange of user-generated content”

5 5 It’s also a fancy way to describe the zillions of conversations people are having online 24/7 -Marta Kagan

6 What is Social Media? A dynamic way to interact with your industry and community globally The obliteration of privacy, get used to it A leveling of the playing field Enhanced customer and industry connection The way of the future 6

7 7 Why should you care about Social Media? 1.3 out of 4 Americans use social technology 2.2/3 of the global internet population visit social networks 3.Visiting social networks is now the 4 th most popular online activity – ahead of personal email 4.Time spent on social networks is growing 3x that of the overall internet rate 5.Social media is word of mouth on steroids 6.Social media is a force to be reckoned with

8 8 Yesterdays Conversation

9 Todays Conversation 9

10 Drowning in Media We have reached a saturation point with modern media. Where do we focus our marketing and sales dollars? Unlimited options with limited budgets and limited time Trying the untested, versus sticking with what you know Stepping out of the comfort zone to move ahead with the times Social Media OnlineShows Trade Journals Talking 10

11 11 Which Media Is Dying?

12 12 Which Media Is Thriving?

13 And Growing 13

14 14 Social Media for Industrial Products Finding the right tools to do the job.

15 There are no cookie cutter approaches Must integrate a program that works with other parts of your media plan. This may require outside resources. 15


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24 24 Make sure to learn and understand the simple basic rules of social media

25 25 Rule #1 Listen Google Alerts Tweet Deck Social Mentions RSS

26 26 Rule #2 Engage Blogs Tweets Posts Be part of the conversation Show (YouTube, Flickr)

27 27 Rule #3 Measure Audience Engagement Loyalty Influence Action

28 28 And Remember: Social Media Is A Dialogue Not A Monologue This is a complete full-duplex channel of communication. Once you start to talk, be prepared to listen.

29 29 What this means for Plastics Additives & Concentrates Market?

30 LinkedIn remains the dominant social media network for manufacturing companies, Including niche and specialty markets 30

31 31 Plastics Additives & Concentrate Group

32 AKASH JAIN (Sunisha Polymers; India) Found help to identify a low cost plasticizer alternative to CPW for PVC ROBERTO DeCOL (Sirmax; Italy) Found material supply leads for his new compounding plant in Brazil 32 Plastics Additives & Concentrate Group Additionally Several Employment opportunities have been generated A dynamic exchange of dialogue has been stimulated Smaller international companies have connected who would otherwise not have met New industry peers have been made

33 33 Share your presentations Share your expertise and potentially earn some money for it. Additional Resources to Consider

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35 Eric Albee President/CEO AFI Global 3185 Tucker Road Bensalem, PA 19020 P: (215) 244-1830 C: (609) 346-9937 Twitter: @Ealbee 35 Questions? Very happy to help you!

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