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Second Meeting of Ministers and High Authorities of Social Development Inter-American Committee on Social Development (CIDES) - OAS Márcia Helena Carvalho.

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Presentation on theme: "Second Meeting of Ministers and High Authorities of Social Development Inter-American Committee on Social Development (CIDES) - OAS Márcia Helena Carvalho."— Presentation transcript:

1 Second Meeting of Ministers and High Authorities of Social Development Inter-American Committee on Social Development (CIDES) - OAS Márcia Helena Carvalho Lopes Minister of Social Development and Fight Against Hunger of Brazil (MDS) Cali, 8-9 July 2010 “SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT AND POLICY INTERSECTORIALITY “SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT AND POLICY INTERSECTORIALITY ”

2 - Democratic State of Rights (political option and decision) - Universalization of the Access to Rights - Structure Public Policies on Universal Systems - Integration and Coordination of the several dimensions of social needs - Work through intersectorial Network (new culture of management) - Joint Management with social participation (social control) - Monitoring and Evaluation Systems - Information Systems - Human Resources Policy INTERSETORIALITY OF SOCIAL POLICIES Theoretical-methodological basis

3 BRAZIL Population: 193 million inhabitants Federation: Union 26 states A Federal District 5,565 municipalities Population served by MDS: about 70 million people GDP (2009): R$ 3.1 trillions (*) (US$ 1.7 trillions) Poverty rate (2008): 28.8% (*) Gini Index (2008) : 0.544 (*) (*) Source: Caderno Destaques

4 Families and persons within territories Social Assistance Elderly people Hadicapted people Food and Nutritional Security Income and Labour Health Education Social Security Economic Development Youth Childhood Ratial equality Gender Brazilian Government Commitment (2003-2010): To Eradicate Hunger and Reduce Poverty in Brazil with development and income distribution Main Sectorial Policies

5 19 million families registered Bolsa Família Income and Labour Adult Literacy Elderly Card Housing Program Reduction of the Electricity Bill Fare Eradications of Child Labour Intersectorial Tools Brazilian Government Single Registry of Social Programs

6 Single Social Assistance System SUAS Regulate and organize the social assistance services network within the 27 states and 5.565 municipalities of Brazil Established 7.564 CRAS and 1.200 CREAS (public equipments within territories) Follow-up of 12,5 million families National System of Food and Nutrition Security - SISAN Organize the Food Security Policy Interministerial Chamber with 19 Ministries 117 thousand farmers in the Food Acquisition Program 290 thousand water tanks built 63 Food banks 119 Popular fairs/markets 84 popular restaurants and 400 community kitchens Income Transfer Bolsa Família Program 12.6 million families Continued Cash Benefit 1.9 million disabled people 1.6 million elderly Ministry of Social Development and Fight Against Hunger

7 Social Assistance including Food Security and Income Transfer

8 Integration to Generate Job and Income Opportunities Job and income generation for Bolsa Familia beneficiaries Program of professional inclusion in the National Biodiesel Industry National Program of Family Farming Microcredit Programs (Banco do Nordeste do Brasil ) National Program of Oriented Productive Microcredit Professional qualification program in the civil construction and tourism – Next step 173 thousand vacancies in the civil construction and tourism areas 249 municipalities and 22 capitals R$ 167 million (US$ 94 million) in investment

9 Results 1.Brazil has reached the proposed goal of reducing poverty (1/2) before the final term (2015) The number of Brazilians below the extreme poverty line was reduced from 26.8 % in 1990 to 4.8% in 2008, i.e., less than a fifth (1/5) of the number verified in 1990 1.More than 24 million people got out of the poverty situation between 2003 and 2008 2.Brazil has overcome the MDG 1 of reducing hunger by half until 2015 3.Child malnutrition decreased: from 12.5% to 4.8% between 2003 and 2008 4.Child labor rate was reduced: 53.7% - between1998 and 2008 More than 2 million children and adolescents from 5 to 15 years old are away from child labor 1.Unemployment rate decreased: from 9.3 to 7.2 between 2003 and 2008 2.Creation of new jobs: more than 12 million between 2003 and 2010

10 Challenges In Brazil, there is still 8.9 million people in the situation of extreme poverty (MDG Report 2010) Inequities continue:  In the rural area, poverty is three times bigger than in the urban area  In 2008, the percentage of black or brown poor was more than double the proportion of white poor. More than 2 million children and adolescents are still in the situation of child labor (PNAD 2008)

11 Thank you! Márcia Lopes 55-61- 3433-1001 BRASIL

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