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American Preparedness Unit 4 Lesson 3 Big Idea: US foreign policy changed slowly from neutrality to strong support for the Allies. Japan’s surprise attack.

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Presentation on theme: "American Preparedness Unit 4 Lesson 3 Big Idea: US foreign policy changed slowly from neutrality to strong support for the Allies. Japan’s surprise attack."— Presentation transcript:

1 American Preparedness Unit 4 Lesson 3 Big Idea: US foreign policy changed slowly from neutrality to strong support for the Allies. Japan’s surprise attack on Pearl Harbor immediately brought the US into the war with the full support of the people.

2 Objectives: Explain why the US chose neutrality in the 1930s. Reflect on events in Europe that drew US closer to war. Debate the Lend-Lease policy proposed at the start of 1941.

3 Warm Up Why was America hesitant to go to war? WWI didn’t work out Problems at home Vocal isolationists Gerald Nye- Author of Nye Report

4 Activity: Reading & Worksheet On your own read the packet (blue) and complete the worksheet “Between World Wars: FDR and the Age of Isolationism” Take 20 Minutes to read and answer

5 Review Which leaders took advantage of national conditions to rise to power? ▫FDR, Stalin, Mussolini, Hitler, Franco Provide examples of militarism & imperialism. ▫Italy – Ethiopia, Albania ▫Japan – Manchuria, China, Indochina ▫Germany – Rhineland, Austrian Anschluss, Czechoslovakia (Sudetenland) Explain European response to actions. ▫Brit & Fra = Appeasement (Munich Conference) ▫Soviets = Non- Aggression Pact

6 War in Euro Polish Blitzkrieg 9/39 ▫Sitzkrieg on Maginot Line ▫Hitler Invades Poland ▫ rch?Ntt=fall+of+france+wwii rch?Ntt=fall+of+france+wwii Fall of France 6/40 ▫Vichy Govt vs Exiled Govt ▫Video clip Battle of Britain 7/40 ▫Video clip Explain US response ▫Isolationist  ‘35-37 Neutrality Acts (prohibit loans & arms sales to belligerent nations)  ‘39 Cash and Carry  “Four Freedoms” Speech  tch?v=5iHKtrirjlY tch?v=5iHKtrirjlY  ‘41 Lend Lease

7 Jan 1941

8 Activity: Debating Lend-Lease Read “January 1941 – Moment of Decision” ▫Id 3 Options Option groups – complete “Presenting Your Option” Senate group – complete questions

9 Homework RJ 4.3 Concept Map

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