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5 KEY FORCES of 20 th Century History.

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1 5 KEY FORCES of 20 th Century History







8 THE 1 st 20 th Century 9 Concepts Leading to World War 1  8 Key Concepts Dominating the World Leading to World War 1.








16  1. Famine…poverty and hardship in much of the world, including rural America act as a Push Factor for…  2. Immigration…From Europe, between 1900-1914; 13 million. People also moved from farming America into American cities. They moved because of opportunities provided by…  3 & 4. Industrialization & Urbanization…Handmade to “Machine” made had become norm. Factories and production helped people find jobs in the cities. Industrialization also required RAW Materials, which leads to …

17  5. Imperialism… For a variety of reasons, including the quest for RAW MATERIALS and OPEN MARKETS to support businesses, as well as Anglo-Saxonism, European and U.S. power begins to expand, and these nations “bully” weaker nation, leading to…  6 & 7. Nationalism and Militarism…In response to Imperialism (subjection of “weaker” peoples by “stronger” peoples), National Pride rises. In some cases, Military build-up happens in order to defend against external threats. Countries also begin to cooperate in defense agreements…  8. ALLIANCE SYSTEM… To Protect from external threats and rising internal strife, nations develop allegiance's with other nations. Eventually, the Alliance System leads the whole world deep into war.

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