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Mellanox Connectivity Solutions for Scalable HPC Highest Performing, Most Efficient End-to-End Connectivity for Servers and Storage September 2010 Brandon.

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Presentation on theme: "Mellanox Connectivity Solutions for Scalable HPC Highest Performing, Most Efficient End-to-End Connectivity for Servers and Storage September 2010 Brandon."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mellanox Connectivity Solutions for Scalable HPC Highest Performing, Most Efficient End-to-End Connectivity for Servers and Storage September 2010 Brandon Hathaway

2 © 2010 MELLANOX TECHNOLOGIES 2 Connectivity Solutions for Efficient Computing Enterprise HPC High-end HPC Leading Connectivity Solution Provider For Servers and Storage HPC Clouds Host/Fabric Software Mellanox Interconnect Networking Solutions ICsSwitches/GatewaysAdapter CardsCables

3 © 2010 MELLANOX TECHNOLOGIES Mellanox Host/Fabric Software Management Application Accelerations Networking Efficiency/Scalability Server and Storage High-Speed Connectivity Complete End-to-End Connectivity 3 ICs Switches/GatewayAdaptersCables - CORE-Direct - GPUDirect - Adaptive Routing - RDMA - Congestion Management - QoS - Full Software Stack on all OSs and Platforms- In-Box: Linux Kernel - Windows

4 © 2010 MELLANOX TECHNOLOGIES 4 Mellanox InfiniBand in the TOP500  Mellanox InfiniBand builds the most powerful clusters 5 of the Top10 (#2, #3, #6, #7, #10) and 64 of the Top100  InfiniBand represents 42% of the Top500 All InfiniBand clusters use Mellanox solutions  Mellanox InfiniBand enables the highest utilization on the Top500 Up to 96% system utilization 50% higher than the best Ethernet based system 4 250 200 150 100 50 0 Number of Clusters Top500 InfiniBand Trends 122 152 208 Jun 08Jun 09Jun 10

5 © 2010 MELLANOX TECHNOLOGIES Highest Performance  Highest throughput 40Gb/s node to node Nearly 90M MPI messages per second Send/receive and RDMA operations with zero-copy  Lowest latency 1-1.3usec MPI end-to-end 0.9-1us InfiniBand latency for RDMA operations 100ns switch latency at 100% load Lowest latency 648-port switch – 25% to 45% faster vs other solutions  Lowest CPU overhead Full transport offload maximizes CPU availability for user applications 5

6 © 2010 MELLANOX TECHNOLOGIES Advanced HPC Capabilities  CORE-Direct (Collectives Offload Resource Engine) Collectives communication are communications used for system synchronizations, data broadcast or data gathering Collectives effect every node CORE-Direct offloads these collectives to the HCA from the CPU Eliminates system noise and jitter issue Increases the CPU cycles available for applications  GPUDirect Enables fastest GPU-to-GPU communications Elimiates CPU overhead and eliminate memory copies in system memory Reduces 30% of the GPU-to-GPU communication time  Congestion control Eliminates network congestions (hot-spots) related to many senders and a single receiver  Adaptive routing Eliminates networks congestions related to point to point communications sharing the same network path 6

7 © 2010 MELLANOX TECHNOLOGIES 2005-2006-2007-2008-2009-2010-2011 Bandwidth per direction (Gb/s) 40G-IB-DDR 60G-IB-DDR 120G-IB-QDR 80G-IB-QDR 200G-IB-EDR 112G-IB-FDR 300G-IB-EDR 168G-IB-FDR 8x HDR 12x HDR # of Lanes per direction Per Lane & Rounded Per Link Bandwidth (Gb/s) 5G-IB DDR 10G-IB QDR 14G-IB-FDR (14.025) 26G-IB-EDR (25.78125) 12 60+60 120+120168+168300+300 8 40+4080+80112+112200+200 4 20+2040+4056+56100+100 1 5+510+1014+1425+25 x12 x8 x1 2014 12x NDR 8x NDR 40G-IB-QDR 100G-IB-EDR 56G-IB-FDR 20G-IB-DDR 4x HDR x4 4x NDR 10G-IB-QDR 25G-IB-EDR 14G-IB-FDR 1x HDR 1x NDR Market Demand InfiniBand Link Speed Roadmap 7

8 Thank You

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