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1 Scientific Knowledge and Inquiry. Benchmarks Standard V: Scientific Inquiry A. Participate in and apply the processes of scientific investigation to.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Scientific Knowledge and Inquiry. Benchmarks Standard V: Scientific Inquiry A. Participate in and apply the processes of scientific investigation to."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Scientific Knowledge and Inquiry

2 Benchmarks Standard V: Scientific Inquiry A. Participate in and apply the processes of scientific investigation to create models and to design, conduct, evaluate, and communicate the results of these investigations. Standard VI: Scientific Ways of Knowing A. Explain that scientific knowledge must be based on evidence, be predictive, logical, subject to modication, and limited to the natural world. B. Explain how scientific inquiry is guided by knowledge, observations, ideas, and questions. C. Describe the ethical practices and guidelines in which science operates. D. Recognize that scientific literacy is part of being a knowledgeable citizens.

3 Defining Science Science - body of knowledge systematically obtained Observation - anything we percieve through one of our five senses or through measurements Inference - conclusion or prediction based upon your observations

4 Inference and Observation Examples “It stinks in here!”Observation “It stinks in here because something must have died.”Observation / Inference “The tree is old because the bark is peeling off.”Observation / Inference “The sky is blue.”Observation “If the mass is 5g and the volume is 10mL, then the density is 0.5g/mL” Obs / Inference

5 The Scientific Method Scientific Method - step-by-step procedure to solve problems 1. Identify the problem 2. Research the topic 3. Form a hypothesis 4. Conduct experiment 5. Analyze the data from the experiment 6. Conclusion / Results

6 Experimental Variables Control - the sample in an experiment that remains unchanged, also factors in an experiments that are not changed Independent Variable - the variable that you change and does not rely upon the other variable, always on the x-axis Dependent Variable - the one that changes in response to the independent variable, you measure this variable, always on the y-axis

7 Independent / Dependent If an object is moving the time it takes to travel would be the independent variable (x-axis) The distance travels depends upon the amount of time (y-axis)

8 Scientific Measurements Precision - the smallest quantity an instrument is designed to measure Always one estimated decimal place past the smallest marking Ex: If a ruler has markings for millimeters, then you may estimate one more decimal place lower 10.6 cm

9 Significant Figures Significant Figures - all the measured places and one estimated decimal What the difference between 20g and 20.0g? 20.0g reflects one more decimal place of precision

10 Significant Figure Rules 1. All nonzero digits are sig figs. 2. Any zero located between two nonzero digits is a sig fig. 3. Leading zeros (to the left of nonzero digits) are not sig figs. 4. Trailing zeros (to the right of nonzero digits) are only sig figs when a decimal point appears in the number

11 Sig Fig Examples 529.2mL-->4 6.08s-->3 0.00067cm-->2 68,000,000m-->2 4.10000yr-->6 0.0050020L-->5

12 Sig Fig Calculations Adding / Subtracting = round your answer to the last complete column Ex:367 + 1.675 368.675-->Round to 369 Multiplying / Dividing = the answer must have the number of sig figs as the least precise instrument Ex:500.0cm x 10cm = 5000cm 2 (4 sig figs) (1sig fig) (1sig fig)

13 Safety Procedures & Ethics *Some materials are hazardous, always ask your teacher about any safety procedures. *Refer to the MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) for chemical information and always follow the Plain Local Safety Rules *Ethics - human subjects must know the purpose and risks of the research, and animal subjects must be treated humanely

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