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Russia 1917-24 Revision Session 3. First months in power Mindmap what Lenin did with the following in his first days in power: - The Constituent Assembly.

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Presentation on theme: "Russia 1917-24 Revision Session 3. First months in power Mindmap what Lenin did with the following in his first days in power: - The Constituent Assembly."— Presentation transcript:

1 Russia 1917-24 Revision Session 3

2 First months in power Mindmap what Lenin did with the following in his first days in power: - The Constituent Assembly - Land - The Church - Press/newspapers - Keeping control - WWI – Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

3 Put the following key figures under the correct headings – Red or White. Then write a sentence summarising their role in the Civil War Lenin Denikin Yudenich Trotsky Kolchak

4 Why did the Reds win the Civil War? Make a two sided table using the bubbles showing why the Reds won the Civil War. Consider leadership, geography, ideology, unity, economic policy Red strengthsWhite weaknesses

5 Economic Policy – War Communism, the Kronstadt Mutiny and the NEP Mindmap the key features of War Communism What was the Kronstadt Mutiny and what were the results? (quote Lenin) Mindmap the key features of the NEP, including Lenin’s quote

6 Things to still revise... Changes in society – education, religion, women, culture Lenin’s legacy – was he a success or a failure? How did he leave Russia? Stalin vs Trotsky – why and how did Stalin come to power?

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