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Leaf structure Mineral requirements

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1 Leaf structure Mineral requirements

2 Cross section of a leaf Xylem/ Phloem Stomata
2 guard cells control the opening and closing of stomat

3 Function of leaf parts (Review)
Structure Function Epidermis Top thin layer (protective). Prevents water loss and over heating of leaf Cuticle Waxy layer of the epidermis- Prevents water loss and over heating of leaf Spongy Mesophyll / Palisade cells Photosynthesis – there are more chloroplast in the palisade cells than the mesophyll cells are- this is where the majority of photosynthesis happens. Palisades are long – to maximize surface area. Spongy cells are round and few – allows for air to travel to the palisade cells (gas exchange) stomata Allows air to come in and out of leaf ( gas exchange) Guard cells Control the opening and closing of stomata Vascular bundle Has the xylem and phloem running through the leaf xylem Transports water into the leaf / structural support phloem Takes substance away (sugar) that the leaf has made to other pars of the cell / structurally support

4 Mineral Requirements Plants can use the carbohydrates they make to make protein. Proteins – C/H/O/ & N (Nitorgen) Plants get their nitrogen from inorganic compounds like nitrate ions and ammonia ions. Even though 80% of air is nitrogen oxide – it is mostly useless to plants as it is unreactive Nitrates (NO3- / NH4+) taken up by roots If not enough nitrates – can’t make protein / can’t make new cells The plant will have stunt (short) growth / weak

5 Nitrates are needed to make enzymes for the plants
Smaller / less green / less healthy Farmers can supplement this by adding nitrates to the soil in form of fertilizer Magnesium ions: Needed to make green pigment in chlorophyll Plant leaves become yellow if magnesium not there quickly Efficiency of photosynthesis goes down

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